107. unanswered curiosity

Alex came and entered Abercio's room after receiving a call from his little uncle. "You've come? I thought my handsome uncle was still stuck in the house of an unforgettable beautiful girl." Alex said sarcastically abercio when he first stepped into the room of the president director of the Arion company.

Abercio was just indifferent and didn't take Alex's words seriously, even though his nephew was deliberately insinuating about his relationship with Akira Kyle. Abercio just thought that all of that was just an expression of Alex's frustration at being left by Abercio this morning in the courtyard of Arion's residence.

This man only occasionally glanced at Alex, when the young man took a sitting position in the chair in front of his desk. "Have you brought the documents I asked for?" asked abercio whose hands were still busy typing something on the screen of his cellphone.