118. drama queen

Jason also didn't feel he was doing anything wrong by lying to Arion's family about her status as Jennifer's husband because it was all Jennifer's making. He did not know or approve of Jennifer's words.

Hearing Jason's words, he didn't appreciate Arion's family as his guests. Charlotte quickly rose from her seat in anger and disappointment.

Perhaps this was the proper recompense for the Arion family who had humiliated them in the Arion residence. But at least Charlotte as the host is still willing to apologize and admit her mistake, unlike what this family did who thought that such a big day seemed meaningless.

"Abercio, Alex, let's go home now." Charlotte said firmly, pulling her son's hands to quickly leave the Kyle residence.

"Good evening, Mr Jason. Sorry, we have to withdraw." Said Alex who greeted Jason as the host before leaving the Kyle residence with Charlotte and abercio.