124. they really go

after the door opened Jennifer saw Alice who was crying. The girl immediately approached Jennifer and hugged her tightly. 

"Mom, I'm sorry. Once again I failed to fulfill your dream. I'm such a useless child." Alice said to Jennifer.

Jennifer invited her daughter into the room and sat in a chair so they could talk more comfortably and not be heard by others.

"Tell me, what exactly happened to you? Why are you crying?" Jennifer asked Alice.

The girl just looked down while holding a tissue to wipe her tears. At this moment Alice felt very embarrassed to tell her new experience at Arion's company. Just like their family tricked Aunt Charlotte, by taking advantage of Jason's master status. Likewise, Charlotte retaliated by taking advantage of Abercio's status as her son to unilaterally cancel their agreement. Like a swindler who has been tricked by someone else, that's how Charlotte responds.