149. I do want a grandchild

After Akira finished bathing and changed clothes, and dressed up nicely. The door to the room was wide open for the girl to pass. The bodyguards were standing near the door. But their job was only to open the door and escort the girl to meet her master who had been waiting for a long time in the living room with the rest of the family.

"Young lady finished? Come with us. Young master is waiting for the young lady downstairs." Said the bodyguard who escorted Akira's footsteps down her room on the 3rd floor to the stairs that connected the guest upstairs with the living room on the first floor.

Akira did not think that it would be this easy to get out of the golden cage. If she had known from the start, this girl wouldn't have to try so desperately to persuade the annoying and arrogant Lisa to help her escape, to the point of sacrificing her pride as a young lady to beg a maid.