188. The arrogant butler

ThthJust one look at the shape. Charlotte could tell that the paper in Aunt Liu's hand right now was the same one she had sent through the maid earlier to Jason Kyle.

"You're right. How did this paper come to you?" Charlotte asked Aunt Liu. It was very clear earlier that Charlotte had said it should be given to their great master, but now why instead switch to the butler. Isn't this the same as disobeying Charlotte's orders.

in her heart, Charlotte was feeling very upset. in this residence is unbelievable. even small tasks cannot be completed properly.

Aunt Liu immediately walked closer to Charlotte and stopped in front of the woman, while returning Charlotte's paper. Aunt Liu returned the paper to Charlotte with a reasonable explanation, so that the lady would not be offended that the letter should have reached Mr. Jason Kyle, but Aunt Liu had purposely prevented the message from reaching the intended recipient.