

Ah, there it is again. For the past couple weeks after the chairman's visit that morning, she's been called to the Head's office every Wednesday during her lunch break and normally stays in there till the bell sounds again. She always looks more exhausted than she went in. I want to ask her to tell me more, but I know my poking and prodding isn't helping her. From the rumors, she's supposedly the student council president but that's yet to be proven since no one's ever met the president - apparently. This school has a weird tradition where the presidents' identity is known only by the Head and the staff and then at the end of their three years, they reveal themselves and get rewarded based on their services and achievements rather than their families status. But for the past two years, no staff has known who it is, only the Head. Even the title of Council President was changed to Deputy Council Rep, meaning there's definitely someone above. I can't help but find it suspicious that the timing coincides with the beginning of her "game" with her father. I hope she's not into anything illegal or I swear I'll kick that old man's ass. She's also been keeping her distance; I mean she teases me as always, but she never lets it escalate. I have a feeling the Chairman has something to do with it, but I don't know for sure.

We didn't really have sex that night, but what we did still made me... a happy man. A dry hump made me cum? Pathetic dick. The length of the sigh that escapes me no doubt catches the attention of Jon as I could feel his eyes on me before I hear his chair creak. Great, he's staring at me. I continue to grade the review paper from my previous class ignoring him.

"I know you're ignoring me, bro." He says pushing his chair next to mine waving his hand in front of my face.

"I'm not ignoring you," I scowl, "I'm just busy working."

"Yeah right. You've been staring at the same paper for the past ten minutes Jason." The realization hits me as I stare at the still unmarked paper before me.

"Don't worry. I can assure you that your girl isn't being coerced by the principal." At that, I stare at him.

"What aren't you telling me you sack of hot air?" Chuckling he pushes his chair back to his desk behind me.

"Me? Hiding something? Never." I could sense the stupid smile on his face without even looking and my annoyance levels elevated.

"I'm going for a smoke."

"Want company to distract you from your loneliness, Sensei." I stop, glaring at him.

"Who the hell says I'm lonely?"

"Your face. You're like a cat who isn't getting his daily petting from his master." My eyes widen and I walk back to him hitting him clean across the head.

"I'm no one's pet, you idiot."

"What?! Sensei you have a girlfriend?!" The female teachers screech in unison; even Samantha's ears seemed to perk up although she didn't look up from her computer screen. For fuck sake Jon! Without turning around I leave the office, making my way to the parking lot. That damn man knows how to annoy me. Great now I can hear the teachers talking.

"Forty-Five minutes left." I sigh looking at my watch before lighting my cigarette.

"Oh. Hey Sensei." Without even looking I knew who it was. The fourth member of the famous AA. The Academy Angels...

"Hello, May." I reply putting out my cigarette, stuffing it in my portable ashtray. I could feel her eyes burning through me and it made me uncomfortable. This girl has warning signs written all over her and I'm not about to fall into that trap. Hmm, isn't that rather hypocritical considering... That's different. Shut Up.

"You don't look so well Sensei. Problems of the heart."

"More like problems of the head."

"Don't let her good girl act fool you, Sensei."

"Huh?" My eyes shoot up staring at her.

"Everyone knows that Witch has her eyes set on you." She replies pragmatically, moving next to me and leaning against the wall.

"Who?" I know who she's referring too but this is where I play the fool.

"Atlas. Winters."

"Oh? And why does everyone think that?"

"I guess the timing of you starting and her coming in more often than usual. Defo a bit sus if you ask me." Good thing I'm not asking, I sigh to myself.

"All of her days off were authorized so I'm pretty sure she had good reasons. As for what you said earlier, I'm sure it's just a coincidence." I could feel her eyes on me again.

"Hmph. Coincidence he says. Sensei do you know how hard getting a job at this Academy is?"

"From what I've heard it's gotten pretty steep in recent years."

"Steeps a good way of putting it. Since the new VP got appointed a fair amount were fired and hiring became even more intense." Curiosity about why she's telling me this and how she knows dances around in my head.

"How do you know all this?"

"My brother came here so told me about how it used to be about three-four years ago. As for hiring, the teachers here talk a lot."

"Ah, I see. Now, what does any of this have to do with A-Chan?" I ask arching my brows quizzically.

"Her father and the chairman are buddy buddies so would it surprise you that she used that to get a toy sent in for her?"

"Excuse me... toy?" She grins slyly at me, staring me in the eyes. Wait, did I just call her A-Chan in front of May?! Nice going idiot. Sighing I rub my hand along my face.

"You are cute, Sensei. I could use daddy to get you out of here, if you like." This little brat.

"Young lady how about I use my pen to write you a detention slip?" She rolls her eyes, frowning.

"Ugh. You're no fun." Looks like I burnt that bridge. Shit, I do want to know more about why they have bad blood with Atlas though.

"Why do you hate her so much?" The sentence alone pissed me off to ask. How could they hate her? She's... not bad. Or mean. And I don't even care how biased I sound; any man would hate it when his woman's being talked badly about in front of him. Wait... his... his woman?! Shaking my head I attempt to clear away the thought.

"I'm pretty sure you heard our conversation a few weeks ago Sensei." I could feel my face getting warm from embarrassment and I fake cough avoiding her eyes.

"I heard some of it, yes."

"Then you know I hate her the most. She's a conniving bitch who steals from people with that innocent good girl act she's got going," she pauses for a moment a smirk playing against her lips before turning to face me, "you may not be her only target sensei. Jon and the Head may be under her spell too." I could feel my face heating up again and this time it wasn't because of embarrassment. The fuck is this brat talking about. Holding back all the wrong words I was forming especially for her, I kicked off the wall and start back towards the office.

"You know, May. Have you ever thought that your hate isn't for her but your own childish insecurities?" Without even turning around the silence that followed alone cut me as the daggers her eyes were no doubt emitting. I know that there's nothing to worry about but that still doesn't mean I should just ignore it. From the interaction I saw between her and the Chairman, I'm pretty sure that the supposed buddy-buddy relationship is just between him and her father so there's no way she'd use him to get to me. Plus, I don't think I've ever met her before and the only one I know around here is Jon. Then again, I know there's something he's not telling me, that dick head. Speaking of. Ugh.

"Welcome back sweetheart." The grin that greets me annoyed me to the core, but I still smiled at him, shaking my head.

"You really are an idiot Jon." I hate that he's keeping something from me, but I also know that if it was something, he could tell me, he would. I trust he will when he's confident enough to. As I get to my desk, I realize there's a lunch set containing a sandwich and juice bottle that I didn't put it leave there.

"What's this darling?" I ask picking them up and a letter drops from beneath the sandwich under my desk.

"Oh, that's from your Mistress." You're the Mistress you punk. Wait...

"What?!" Lifting my head up too quickly I hit it against the table. Swearing as I come up, I rub the sore spot looking at him in confusion.

"She dropped them off on her way out." He nods towards the Heads office.

"But the bell hasn't gone yet though?"

"Seems like she'll be absent again," he says shrugging, "she looked even more worn out than usual." He sighs and returns to his desk.

"Jon?" God, I'm gonna sound so pathetic right now.


"Please tell me she isn't doing anything weird or dangerous." Turning anyway from his computer screen and he stares at me. I wonder what face I'm making right now. He, however, seems content with what he sees and smiles at me shaking his head.

"I promise it's not dangerous," he frowns, "maybe weird but not dangerous."

"And you can't tell me?" He shakes his head and I smile, "thank you anyways." I sit down staring at the letter. There was something flat and rectangular in the envelope with the letter and I sighed as I began to open it.

"Hey, Jason."

"Huh?" I stop, looking up at him.

"I've never seen you worried about a female - or anyone for that matter - as much as you were just now. You were always sort of absent in all your past relationships." He pauses leaning back in his chair, putting his hand behind his head. "Maybe you coming here was a good choice after all." I chuckled, shaking my head.

"I'm starting to believe you recommended this school on purpose you little shit." I retort laughing and kicking his chair.

The gasp behind us causes both of our heads to turn in unison meeting the gaze of the two female teachers who'd just gotten back from their break.

"What?!" We both asked together.

"Sensei, I don't think I've ever heard you laugh before..." Her voice trails off and I could tell she was nervous. Her hands forming fists at her side so tightly her knuckles were slightly white.

"Ah, this cold bastard. He rarely ever laughs but I guess love melts all that ice occasionally." He says winking at me, and I couldn't be more thankful to this idiot than I am now. After all, it is the best friend's job to intentionally cock block. Her expression drops and I struggle to fight back my laughter.

"Shut up Jon," I reply clearing my throat and moving to sit on his lap, "please ignore him Ms. LeFevre, he can be quite idiotic and insensitive in what he says sometimes." Knowing where I was taking this, he puts his hands around me.

"Insensitive, " He looks at me and I could see the laughter in his eyes, "but I bought you lunch darling." I can't hold it in anymore... shit. But in drastic times like this 'Get Help' melodrama is our emergency measure. I could taste the embarrassment they radiated in the air and I stood up placing the letter in my blazer, grabbing my lunch and Jon before politely bowing and practically running out of the room. When we were finally out of ear shot, he bursts out laughing and I followed unable to contain myself.

Oh God spare my soul.