

Entering the room I'm greeted by the hushed conversations of the board members and by the heavy atmosphere, I could tell the old man's been playing his mind games. Walking past him I take my seat at the head of the table and Hugh's leads William to the empty chair on my right.

"A Chairman who's late..." cutting off his attempt to show me up, I speak above him.

"If I remember correctly, everyone was informed to be here at Elven O'Clock," ignoring his stare I continue, "I also have a school to run, so unlike those of you who are simply in a rush to go play golf, your opinion of my arrival time is not needed." A chorus of whispers ring through the room and I grit my teeth in an attempt to calm down. No Atlas, you can't punch him. Yet.

"Now then, shall we begin. As you all heard early this week, Winters project will begin on time. A few of you have expressed your concerns about funding..." as though on queue his voice breaks through the air again and my fist clench slightly as our eyes finally meet.

"If I may. Although you have a few shareholders on our side, you still do not hold the majority. Isn't going ahead with this project a misuse of your authority, Ms. Ingram?" A small smirk plays at the corner of his lips and everyone shifts on their seats at his tone.

"Furthermore, why is there an outside party present at this rather important meeting?" Gritting my teeth, I hold back the string of praises my heart begs to send his way. I don't know when Yu became such an anchor for me in these moments but right now, I really wish he was here.

"If I'm not mistaken, you're also an outsider in this room, Mr. Ingram. Don't you think it's a bit immature for a man your age to say he's giving something away but is still shamelessly holding onto it? If I remember correctly, my name is on the contract and deed for this Academy and the lands surrounding it, not yours or, your sons." I set my eyes on him, not backing down from his glare.

"I will also not sit here and have you lecture me about the misuse of authority considering the state this Academy was in before it was signed over to me." His jaw tenses and I smile coldly.

"As of today Mr. Fairchild has become our largest investor and has every right to be sat in this room." Out of the corner of my eye, I catch a glimpse of a smirk on Williams face but as I turn to face him… it's gone. Huh? Was I mistaken? He smiles warmly at me and I nod my response.

"Now shall we continue..." Looking to Hughes I nod, and he turns on the presentation.

"As you all can see, because of the Winters project a lot of things will be changing in our Academy. The biggest will obviously be funding for building the new dorms and class blocks. I will not lie to you all and say that everything is stable financially, however, we have enough to start this project. Since we'll be saving money by ordering our new uniforms for all our present students and future ones by using K designs, along with the investment we've received from Mr. Fairchild the first year of this two-year project has already been established." There's no way I'll tell them that I've also put in money from my personal account into the funding. Knowing him, he'll surely find a way to turn the tables. My attention is brought to a female board member as she clears her throat.


"We all understand and respect your vision and optimism for this project but even putting the issue of funding aside, who's actually going to agree to this construction contract knowing they won't be paid in full at once?"

"Someone who also understands and respects my vision..." a wave of confused faces look to each other for an answer and I sigh, my frustration growing, "Pilot Corp. will be in charge of Winter Projects construction." They all stare at me in disbelief and fathers glare pierces through me. Although I'm not looking at him, I know he's staring at me. Damn old geezer.

"Is there a problem?"

"N-No... it's just that..."

"Listen. I know you all may not take me seriously because to you I'm not only a child, but now I'm also a high-school dropout. However, please do not think this project is on the whim of some naive teenager. This school was my mothers' creation, her legacy and I will not sit idly and let it fall apart." Looking at each of them they avoid my gaze and I could.help but sigh at their cowardice.

"I'd also appreciate it if you all didn't underestimate me..." My gaze falls to William and I'm greeted by another warm smile. This one seems - different.

"As for you Mr. Ingram, do you have any complaints about me moving this project forward?" A sly smirk angles at the corner of his lip and I sneer at him as his question echos through the room.

"What is your relationship with Mr. Fairchild?"

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me."

"As I said earlier, he's now our largest investor..."

"No, no. You seem to be mistaken. I meant, Jason Fairchild." What's he up to now?

"He's a teacher of this establishment. I'm his boss. Why do you ask?"

"It's just that we've heard that you two had..."

"An intimate relationship?" Everyone's eyes turn to me in shock and I sit back in my chair, crossing my legs under the table. Really old man. That's a low blow even for you.

"May I ask where you got this information from?"

"A few of us met a little bird in your halls this morning." No doubt it was her. Ha. These old men really have no life.

"I see. Am I to assume that this is you trying to blackmail me, father?"

"Am I to assume that this is you confirming the song we heard?" His goonies share a slight smirk at his question and his brow arches mockingly.

"Wow. You lot really are a bunch of low-level twats," with a sigh I sit up looking at each of them sternly,

"I really hoped you lot wouldn't go this far but I'm really disappointed." The smirk disappears from their faces as I glare at them.

"Huh...?" Whites brows frown as my glare settles on him.

"Mr. White, I already asked you lot not to think of me as a naive child and underestimate me... did I not?"

"What are you..." "

"You've been under my father for quite some time, it's only fair he turns a blind eye. But, you see, I'm my mothers' daughter."

"What the hell are you getting at, child?"

"Hughes..." nodding he brings up the slide and Whites face distorts in horror.


"Should that really be your first question old man?" His face pales and I smile at him.

"See, I was going through my books wondering why some things didn't add up and by your beautiful expression I'm guessing you know what I found."

"What's going on...?" Their confused tones fill the room as he stares back at me, his expression blank. His spirit nearly visible as it slips out of him.

"Mr. White care to explain?"

"I... I don't know what those accounts are..." Even from where I'm sat I could tell he was trembling. I really hate spineless men. All talk until their lies are called out.

"Oh my... I don't think I said anything about them being accounts now did I, Mr. White." I grin while he looks around nervously as everyone stares at him waiting for his response.

"You should really explain yourself before your new friends get here Mr. White. I hear jail becomes quite the home for embezzlers. But don't worry, I'm sure your accomplices will keep you company..." I stare at the two remaining henchmen and they jerk back in shock.

"W-We didn't embezzle anything...!"

"Well, would you look at that. What great friends you have." Everyone jerks at the knocking on the door, their gasps feeling the room as the security enters the room.

"Young Master, the police have arrived."

"Well then. I suppose this is goodbye, Mr. White."

"Wait... Master Ingram! You... she can't do this to me... do something...!"

"You seem to have misunderstood something, Mr. White. This old man only keeps those who are useful around him. Money is where he draws all lines. At this moment you are nothing but an amputated limb. Useless." His eyes filled with horror and moves from me to the old man and he breaks out in a fit of rage.

"What the fuck..." the rest of his speech is near distinctive as he starts rambling and I sigh as I get up and walk towards him; each step echoing through the near slight room.

"Now, now. I asked that they leave their sirens off and not enter the building as to not cause a commotion and to save you face..." taking his chin in my hand I turn his face to mine staring him dead in the eye, "But your foul mouth is making me feel rather sadistic and thinking of the embarrassed face you'll make is rather exciting, Mr. Stephen White." His mouth falls agape, and he stares at me in silence, his eyes deep with fear. Distracted, the security leads him out and I return to my seat.

"Well, that was eventful." I grin widely at everyone before starring at the old man. He shifts in his seat and I grin wider. His chuckle beside me draws my attention to him and he smiles at me.

"You've surpassed my expectations, Young Master." I can't help the laugh that escapes my lips at his playful tone. God curse these damned brothers.

"You seem to be enjoying yourself, Mr. Fairchild." His grin mirrors mine and he nods before looking towards the old man.

"Jason will be rather sad about missing out on this action I must say."

"Hmm..." He'd probably be still laughing - that weirdo.

"Are you also enjoying yourselves, Ms. Jill Ferman and Mr. Langley Napier?" They shift uncomfortably in their seats, avoiding eye contact.

"What a shame your dear friend won't be able to hear my response to your question, Mr. Ingram."

"Then...?" I catch Ms. Gilchrist's gaze as she looks at everyone else but me. Hmph.

"Yes. Jason Fairchild and I are in a relationship. Whether it's intimate is our business. That has nothing to do with this Academy..."

"Is that..." I cut him off, my glare burning straight through him.

"The last time I checked I am an adult recognised by the government. I am free to have relations with whomever I chose. Isn't that right, Napier?" My eyes lock on his and he goes into a fit of coughing.

"W-What are you talking about?" His brow frown at his question and I chuckle at his expression.

"Oh, Gilman... do I really have to say it out loud?" His eyes widen as he stares at me in disbelief and I smile at him in return. Do not come for me if you're not ready to drown as well you bastards. He opens his mouth to speak but closes it avoiding my eyes.

"Wise. Well then, does anyone else want to show off today? Fernan? Ingram? No? Nobody? Well then, that's no fun. I suppose..." Next to me William clears his throat and I look to him.

"May I?" He nods towards everyone and stands.

"Please go ahead."

"Thank you." He smiles at me before turning his stern gaze on everyone in the room.

"Well then, I suppose everyone already knows who I am and who my brother is, but I'll still introduce myself. I'm William Fairchild of Fairchild's Con. Yes. I did come here today to sign a contract with your rather young yet very impressive Young Master. No. It has nothing to do with my brother so please do not misunderstand and even if it did, so what? But..." he looks to me before smiling. Removing his phone from his pocket he dials a number.

"You can come in now." Hanging up, he turns to the old man.

"You see, my brother prepared a little gift for his woman and since he's unable to make it today, I'll be giving it to her in his steed." A knock sounds from the door and everyone goes silent as the door opens.

"I hope you like it, Mr. Ingram." Everyone's looking at the door, but I can't take my eyes off him. His expression, I've seen it before. What's going on? The doors open and everyone gasps loudly. Turning to the opened door our eyes meet and in that instant, I knew - I was crying.

"Au-August..." my voice barely a whisper is drowned out by the chatter of everyone in the room. The man in the doorway moves towards father but instead of stopping he walks past him and stops beside me. Before I could comprehend what's happening his arms envelop me and I'm pulled into his arms. August... August is here... August is hugging me... Me?! The tears continue to stream down my face as the person holding me squeezes me tighter. It's real. He's really here.