Doc’s Visit

*Kade's POV*

Rain & I walked down to my basement & walked over to my pack doctor to check if their head was okay. "Ah hello Alpha," my pack doctor announces to me as he turns around and bows to me. "Hello," I reply and bow back to him. "Rain's hurt again, could you check them out for me?" He nodded his head at me & walked over to Rain then gestured to follow him.

They followed them and I followed behind them, keeping my eyes on Rain's hips. I shook my head and sighed as I saw him sit them down on one of the beds. "So what's wrong Rain?" he asked them as they explained what happened at the park. "Ah okay, lay down for me please," Rain obeyed and closed their eyes as they let a long sigh.

"Look at me," he directs them looks at him with a solemn expression. He flashed a small light into their eyes and looked into their eyes. "Do you know why your pupils don't shrink?" They shook their head no and asked him what he meant. "When light is brought into the eye, the pupil shrinks to permit a small amount of light to enter the eye so it won't cause any damage."

They nodded their head and lied their head down as he placed his hands on their head. "Tell me if it hurts." As if on command, Rain winced when he touched their forehead. "Ah, I see what's wrong, you've got a mild bruise and possibly a concussion." Rain nodded their head and winced when he rubbed the back of their head. "Oh, by the way, my name is Dr. Santiago, but you can call me Davante."

"Nice to meet you Davante," Rain says as they close their eyes and groan softly. "Is there anything you can do to help them?" I ask Davante as he nods his head. "I can give them pain relievers, though I doubt they'll work," he explains as he shakes his head. "Why?" I ask as I look at Rain only to see them looking back at me. "Well, they only work on werewolves & humans so, and they're neither," he says as he shakes his head again.

"Well, I guess I'll just sleep it off then," Rain says as they yawn and sit up. "Do you have a spare bed I could use?" Rain asks as they get off the bed and holds their hand up to their forehead. "No, but you can sleep in my bed if you want, or in Scarlet's room." Rain nodded their head and walked upstairs & up to Scarlet's room.

Rain knocked on her door and leaned against the door as they sleepily said, "It's Rain." Scarlet then opened the door and let them in, softly closing the door behind them. "Bye then," I waved at the door then walked off to my room, softly closing the door.