Drunken Kisses

*Kade's POV*

I leave my room shirtless with a bunch of hickeys spread across my neck, chest, stomach, and waist. I walk downstairs to the wine cellar to get Isabella & I some wine. When I walked in, I notice Rain bent over against one of the shelves of wine, attempting to grab a bottle of wine. I noticed that their skirt is lifted and is showing a bit of their ass. I blushed and thought about walking behind them and rubbing my hands against their ass, but decided against it. "Rain...?" I ask as they hiccup & turned around.

"Y-Yes s-sir?" They ask as I can see a deep blush spread across their cheeks, their lips looked swollen as if they'd been biting them a lot. "You okay?" I ask them and walk up to them. As I'm walking up to Rain, they stumble backward until their back hits one of the shelves. I stop when I'm standing in front of them. "Are you okay, Rain?" I ask again but louder as I notice their blush deepens and they hiccup repeatedly. Rain nods their head once, and I ask, "Are you drunk Rain?" They nod their head once again.

I sigh and try to figure out a reason as to why they would be drunk. "Why'd you get drunk?" They looked down at their feet and softly spoke, "TJ, Scarlet, & I played truth or dare w/ a twist and I kept losing." I laughed but then got angry, and asked, "TJ, SCARLET, & YOU WHAT!" I yelled as they whimpered and covered their ears. I realized my mistake and apologized repeatedly. "All three of you were drinking?" Rain nodded their head and looked up at me with a scared expression. "No worries Rain, I'm not planning on causing any harm, not to you at least."

I mumble the last part as I look down at Rain with a small smile. "Well we should sober you up, you're going to have a mean headache in the morning if we don't." They shook their head, "N-No I like this feeling a lot." They mumble as they chew on their lip. I look down at Rain's lips and blush when I see they're sucking on their bottom lip. I leaned my hand out and took their bottom lip out of their mouth. I then placed my thumb in the middle of their bottom lip.

They blushed and slid their tongue out as they licked my thumb. They blush again and I noticed they took my entire thumb in their mouth. "Rain," I say warily to warn them. But they just sucked on my thumb while grabbing my wrist and moving my hand in a way that would release and bring my thumb in & out their mouth. I held back a groan as I tried to move my thumb out of their mouth.

I finally took my thumb out of their mouth as a line of their saliva connected my thumb to their lips. They smiled at me & leaned closer to me, almost pressing their lips against mine. Suddenly the lights dimmed in the cellar, making it dark. Rain leaned into me more and I couldn't help but do the same.

Rain then leaned on the tips of their toes as our lips grazed against one another. "I've always wanted to kiss you, sir." I blushed and couldn't say anything as they licked their bottom lip. "May I kiss you?" Rain asks as they look into my eyes, their eyes filled with lust. I thought about it and nodded my head slowly as Rain slowly pressed their lips against mine. It started off slow, just our lips moving our lips against the others. But they deepened the kiss, turning their head a bit as they slid their tongue into my mouth.

I blushed as Rain slid their tongue against mine, as they softly sucked on it. I moved to press Rain against one of the shelves as they wrapped their leg around my waist. I pressed myself against Rain, as I could feel their breasts being pressed against my chest. They moaned softly as they moved their hips in a way that would grind them against me. I groaned against their lips while blushing and continuing to kiss Rain.

A couple minutes passed as our kiss got so heated; we weren't even worried about how our lips moved against one another's. I pulled away and placed my head in their neck, panting heavily. Rain spoke softly, "T-Thank you," I laughed and kissed their neck as I tried to catch my breath. I then moved up and looked into Rain's eyes softly, then smiled at them. They blushed and bit their lip as they stared into my eyes. "Oh shit, Isabella!" I groaned and rubbed my face as I backed away from Rain and looked at the floor. Rain sighed then looked down sadly.

"I-I'm sorry I shouldn't have kissed you," Rain says as they pull their skirt down. I noticed the lights turn back on and lean my head up to look at Rain. "No need to apologize, I kissed back so it's equally our fault." Rain nodded their head and walked out of the cellar slowly. I sighed then grabbed a bottle of wine and walked back up to my room. "I don't regret it though," I say aloud to Rain as they look at me and smile widely. I smiled back and waved bye as we both walked back into the rooms we left out of.