Pt. 2

*Rain's POV*

I cover my ears as the woman yells. I roll my eyes and crawl away as I sit at the top of the bed and look at TJ with an annoyed look. "Stop yelling Scarlet," TJ says to the woman with the name Scarlet. She rolls her eyes but smiles as she looks at me. She then crawls to me and I try to back up more, but I barely move an inch before my back touches the headboard. I sigh as she stops crawling as soon as she's in front of me.

"Hey Rain," she says to me as I wave in reply. "You feeling okay?" she asks as I nod my head. She smiles then crawls away from me as I sigh and lie down on my back with my feet in the air. I hear someone say, "Hey, look" but I don't look to see who says it. I just play with my feet as I giggle, thinking of how toes were created. "Rain, put your legs down," I hear TJ say, and I do as I'm told. "Why?" I ask afterward, waiting for his reply as I sat up on my feet. "Because your ass was showing," I gasp as I crawl over to TJ and softly hit him on his arm. "No bad words TJ," I say. He just sighs & nods his head as I smile happily. Everyone then went into separate rooms, two in the bathroom, & two in the closet. 

I was left with Scarlet as the other guys did what they did. I look over to her and notice that she's looking at her hands with a blush on her face. "Whatcha blushing fo?" I ask her as she turns her head towards me with a surprised look. "Oh um, it's just I like Vincent, a lot actually, but it seems as if he never notices me," she pouts as she rubs her cheeks.

"Well, why not do something to make him notice you?" She looked at me as if I was the smartest person in the room, "That's so smart Rain, I don't know why I didn't think of that." I giggle and crawl off the bed & crawl to the room next to the room I was just in. I scan the room until I find what I'm looking for, then I walk over to it and take out a paci. I place it into my mouth and suck on it as I crawl my way back to the previous room I was in. I crawl back onto the bed & see that everyone is on the bed now.

Vincent to my left, TJ to my right, Scarlet beside him, Cameron beside her, & Dimitri to the left of Vincent. I sit down and continuously suck on the paci. Everyone turns to look my way and I give a confused look & feel blood rush up to my cheeks. "Where'd you get a pacifier?" TJ asks me as I tell him where I got it from. He nods his head and thinks as he announces that we'll be playing a game. "Ouu I love games," I say happily while clapping & bouncing. 

TJ smiles at me and I smile back as he tells everyone the name & objective of the game. "It's called Would You Rather, but I'm adding a twist to it. Whichever thing you would do, you have to do." Everyone nods their head & looks at TJ, waiting for him to begin the game. "Hmm, Scarlet, would you rather kiss Cameron on his cheek or kiss Vincent on his cheek?" He smirks, knowing that his sister has a crush on Vincent. Scarlet blushes and looks down as she thinks about which one she'd rather do.

"I'd rather um, kiss Vincent on his cheek.." she mumbles as she leans over & kisses Vincent on his cheek. I look over to see Vincent wipe his cheek afterward & I giggle. "Whatcha giggling for Rain?" TJ asks me as I shake my head and grab his hand & play with his fingers. "Okay, Scarlet, you go," TJ says as he looks at Scarlet with a huge smile. "Hmm, Cameron, would you rather hug Rain or kiss TJ, on the lips by the way," she smiles widely. "Yo, that's messed up, I gave you an easy one," TJ whines as he waits for Cameron to say what he'd rather do. "Um, since TJ isn't comfortable with the idea of me kissing him, I'll just hug Rain," he says as he crawls over to me and wraps his arms around my waist. I wrap my arms around his shoulders and hug him back in return. 

The hug lasts a couple of seconds before he pulls away and sits back down with a slight blush on his face. I smile at him & giggle while I lean over and kiss his cheek. He smiles back and I giggle again. "Your turn Cameron," TJ says as he looks at me with a slight frown. I just smile at him and sit back in my place as I wait for the game to continue.

"Um, Dimitri would you rather go into Scarlet's parent's room & scream at the top of your lungs for 15 seconds, or kiss Rain's feet?" I giggle and look at Dimitri to see him already looking at me. He then looks me up & down before saying, "I'd much rather kiss their feet." He then crawls over to me and softly lifts my foot up to his mouth. "I'm sure they keep them clean anyway," and I nod my head at his assumption. "Go ahead then," Cameron says as he takes out his phone. Dimitri then places his lips against my feet, kissing them all over. "It tickles," I say as I giggle & try to pull my foot away from him. He keeps a hold of my foot & continues to kiss it until Cameron says that he can stop.

I sigh and giggle as I move to lay down on my stomach. "Your turn Dimitri," TJ says as he looks at him. "Vincent, would you rather punch Cameron in the face, or kiss TJ's cheek?" Vincent looked at him with an annoyed look but didn't answer as he leaned over to TJ & kisses his cheek. I smile & clap as I see Vincent move back to his spot while TJ has a small blush on his face.

"Aww you're blushing," I say as TJ denies that he is. I giggle and look at Vincent, "Your turn," I say as he looks at me with a small smile. "Rain, would you rather make out with me, or stab TJ?" I gasp as I look between TJ & Vincent. "Hey, no need to get violent bruh," TJ says as he looks at me. "You wouldn't hurt me, would you Rain?" he asks as I shake my head. "But I don't want you making out with him either," TJ says as he crosses his arms angrily. "It's their choice, either they make out with me or they stab you. Either choice is okay with me." TJ glares at Vincent, "What's your problem with me man? I haven't done anything to you." Vincent shakes his head, "9th grade, fourth period," is all Vincent says as TJ looks at Vincent with a confused look, then realizes what he meant.

"That was so long ago man, you're still mad about that?" Vincent nods his head, then looks at me. "So what's your choice going to be kitten?" I blush and look down as I sigh & sit up on my legs. "I-l'll um do the first choice," I say as the blush on my face darkens. I hear TJ sigh while Vincent laughs and quickly pulls me onto his lap. I just continue to blush as he raises my arms and wraps them around his neck & places his arms around my waist.

"Are you ready, kitten?" I nod my head slowly as he places one of his hands on my neck and tilts my head to the right. I look into his eyes as I can see the color looks darker than before, and it honestly scares me. I whimper lowly as he leans forward, and places his lips against mine. We remain like that for a couple of seconds before he begins to move his lips, & I do as well. We begin to make out, as I can feel him caressing my butt. My blush never leaves my face as I can feel his tongue slide into my mouth. I do the same with mine, and our kiss deepens as he begins to grip my butt. His grip tightens suddenly and I softly moan. This continues for the next 10 minutes, until he pulls away from me, panting heavily. I am as well, but I'm trying to take deep breaths to stop.

He looks at me with a smirk plastered across his face but then looks down to my neck. "May I kiss your neck, kitten?" "Hey, that wasn't apart of the dare Vincent," TJ complains as Vincent ignores him. I just nod my head sheepishly as he places his lips against my neck, and begins to pepper it with open mouth kisses. I let out an airy moan when his lips reach a certain part of my neck, right above my collar bone. "Mm, found it," he hums as he begins to sink his teeth into it, ripping the skin as his teeth makes contact with it. I whine loudly as he tightens his grip on my butt, softly groaning against my skin.

I could feel my blood rushing out and slowly sliding down my collar bone & chest as he licks it up before it could travel any further. He then goes back to the place he bit at and begins to suck on it, taking each sip of blood from my body. I whine again as he groans softly. A couple of minutes pass before he stops, & I feel very lightheaded & dizzy. He turns me towards the others & they all gasp as they look at my neck. "THEIR BLOOD'S GOLD!" I hear someone shout as I whine at the sudden interruption of silence. My vision begins to spin as I suddenly lose consciousness.

Vincent then lies Rain's body against the bed and looks at my neck. He gasps, then licks his lips. "No wonder their blood tasted so good," Vincent says as he licks up the leftover blood.