Just Checking In

*Kade's POV*

"Oh hello Dad," I hear Scarlet say as I look at her with an inspecting look. "Where's Rain?" I ask as I look around the room. Vincent turns around and looks at me as he shows that Rain is laid on the bed, asleep I presume. "Could you hand them to me?" I ask, walking over and picking Rain up from the bed. I then turn around and walk out of TJ's room with Rain in my arms. "Well, that was weird," I hear someone say before I close the door. I softly pat Rain's cheek to hopefully wake them, but they show no response.

I do it again, but a bit harder, still no response. I turn around and walk back into TJ's room. "Hey, what's wrong with Rain?" I ask to everyone, as everyone stops talking. I then walk over to TJ's bed, and place Rain upon it. "So is anyone going to explain why Rain won't wake up?" I look at everyone in the room, but they still remain silent. "Well um...Rain's blood is a weird color and we wanted to find out why.." Dimitri says. "How do you know the color of their blood?" I ask Dimitri as he avoids eye contact with me. "They um bled..." Dimitri says cautiously.

"THEY WHAT?" I yell as I grab Dimitri by his collar and lift him off the ground. "S-Sir I wasn't the cause of their bleeding...I swear," Dimitri says with a whining tone, not making eye contact with me. "Well, who was?" I question as I let my wolf take over, my grip on his collar tightening and the color of my eyes disappearing. "V-Vincent did...I swear it was Vincent...now please let me down," he pleads as I let him down, letting him fall onto TJ's bed. "Vincent, would you care to explain why you were the cause of their bleeding?" I slowly turn to Vincent, giving him a menacing glare. "Oh um sir i- i- I um I just, well they let me-" "They let you what, what did Rain let you do?"

"I just um bit them...on their neck...and when I went to lick up the extra blood...Dimitri noticed that it was gold...instead of red," he slowly explained as I walk closer to him. "Now, why in the hell would you bite them?" I ask as I keep walking towards him while he slowly backs up from me. "They just smelled so sweet...I just couldn't resist..." Vincent says as he now has his back against the wall with me standing in front of him. "Hmmm..." I say softly as I rub my chin.

"What shall I do with you?" "N-Nothing sir," he replies as if I just asked him. "You should be able to control yourself around others, right vampie," my wolf says as he begins to growl lowly. "Yes but it's hard when you have a beautiful, delicious smelling creature just sitting in your lap," he says as he avoids eye contact. I sigh deeply and rub my temples. "Jeez, you kids are so stupid," I mumble under my breath as I walk over to TJ's bed and grab Rain.

"I'll let Davante check on them," I say to the others, and proceed to leave the room. "What in the hell am I going to do with them Rain?" I ask them, knowing they weren't going to answer. "Don't talk much, do you?"