
*Rain's POV*

I slowly gain consciousness, and look around to see that I'm once again, back in the basement. But this time, I'm not strapped to the bed. I rub my eyes and sit up as I groan softly. I notice that no one is around and smile to myself. "Finally some peace," I mumble to myself.

But I spoke too soon, down comes TJ, Scarlet, Dimitri, Cameron, and Vincent. I sigh audibly as they walk over to me, but don't say anything. I then notice that Kade has arrived as well, and I just know I'm going to get spammed with questions.

"Rain, why would you let him do that to you?" I hear Kade ask me as I let out another sigh, searching through my brain to figure out what he's talking about. I then realize what he's talking about as a blush spreads across my cheeks. I start to play with my hands as I mumble,"I wasn't um myself sir..."

I then look up at Kade with a sad stare as he gives me a disappointed look. He looks so disappointed in me, I thought as I keep eye contact with Kade. He suddenly softens his gaze and says to me, "It's okay Rain, just don't let it happen again, okay?" I nod my head and smile at him, happy to know that he's not as disappointed in me anymore.

Kade then whispers to me, "You have to keep your identity a secret, got me?" I nod my head again, and smile at him. He happily smiles back. Kade then turn towards the others and lets them know that they should let me rest, considering that I should be tired and have a hangover.

Kade make a confused face, then turns towards me while looking at me with a quizzical look. "How come you don't have a hangover, Rain?" Kade whispers to me as I look down sheepishly. "Human alcohol does not give creatures of my kind hangovers, just makes them intoxicated," I whisper back to Kade. He nods his head and proceeds to leave, but then stops. He walks back over to me and asks, "They didn't mention anything about you not being human, did they?" Kade asks me as he looks at me with a concerned look. I nod my head at him and he nods his. He goes back to leaving the basement, but not before telling them again to not bother me.

As soon as Kade left the basement, the others began to bombard me with questions. I didn't understand because they talked all at once. I decided to cover my ears and hope that they would stop talking.

Eventually, they did. I soon felt hands resting on mine and then felt them being moved to my lap. "Hey, sorry for asking so many questions at once," Vincent says softly to me. I nod my head, silently wishing they'd leave me alone. "We would like to know more about you, Rain," Dimitri says as he kneels to be face-to-face with me. Vincent does the same, and so does everyone else. I begin to feel shy, so I scoot back on the bed to get farther away from them.

"Does Kade know what you are?" Dimitri asks, as I collectively remember what Kade told me. I decide to not answer, and instead, look down at the bed. "Yeah he might, considering he did randomly come into TJ's room as if he heard what we were talking about," Cameron notes. "Maybe..." Dimitri says while thinking. "How about we just do what my dad says and leave them alone?"

TJ asks everyone. I nod my head in agreement and silently hope that everyone agrees too. "I just can't leave them alone TJ, this could be, they could be something revolutionary," Dimitri states as he stands up. "And, I won't let you, especially you of all people, let me get distracted from something as powerful as they might be," Dimitri adds as everyone shakes their head at him. "Well, if you won't leave Rain alone, I'll make you," TJ challenges as he moves to stand in front of Dimitri.

"You'll make me?" Dimitri questions as he stands up in front of TJ. "I will if I need to, we shall do as my father says, regardless of what we, or rather you, want," TJ says as he lowly growls at Dimitri. "Oh, you're a Daddy's Boy now?" Dimitri questions as he adds, "Since when do you listen to your father?" TJ grabs Dimitri by his wrist and drags him to the stairs. "Everyone else follow me, we're going to leave them alone until they're ready to tell us," then he adds, "And if they don't want to, then they don't have to." He mainly says that statement to Dimitri but says it to everyone. They all leave the basement and head to assumingly TJ's room.

I sigh as I fall back onto the bed, wishing sleep would come. "Maybe I should go speak to Kade," I say aloud to no one in particular as I get off the bed and make my way upstairs. I look over to the kitchen to see Kade's wife standing there, leaning against the counter. My stomach rumbles softly as I decide to make my way over to the kitchen. I would soon find out later that doing that was a bad move. Once I reach the kitchen, I walk over to Kade's wife and decide to ask her if I'm allowed to have something to eat. "Hey um..." I had completely forgotten her name. I face-palm myself and look up to see her staring at me. "Uh, may I have something to eat?" I ask her as I turn my head to avoid eye contact.

"You want something to eat...and yet you can't even remember my name?"

She sighs as she stalks closer to me, making me move backward until my back hits the fridge. "I'm sorry," I mumble as she raises her hand, and I assume she's going to hit me. I close my eyes and wait for the impact to come, but it never does. I slowly open my eyes to see Kade holding his wife's wrist. I can hear that they're talking in hushed voices as if they didn't want me to listen. I slowly maneuver my way from them both and try to head back upstairs, emphasis on try. "Get back here," I hear the wife say as I slowly turn around and walk back to where I was. I then look down at the floor, considering that I might get yelled at.

"Kade, they don't even remember my name," she says. "They probably just forgot, cut them some slack," Kade says. "I will not. Rain can remember everyone's name they should be able to remember mine," she states. Kade sighs then looks at me.

"What did you come down here for Rain?" I look up, making eye contact with Kade. "I j-just wanted something to eat, sir," I say as I look back down at the floor. "Rain just wants something to eat, leave them alone okay?" Kade asks of his wife as she looks at me with a disappointed look. "And her name is Isabella," Kade says afterward as he walks off. The acclaimed, Isabella, looks at me then walks off with Kade.

I sigh as I turn around and proceed to rummage the fridge. I take whatever is there, not caring if it's cooked or not. I hold the items in my hand as I walk upstairs and up to Kade's room. I knock on the door once and soon hear a, "come in."

I open the door and step inside, closing the door behind me. "Which items can I eat?" I ask aloud, waiting for an answer. "You can eat the grapes, the green circle thingies that you're holding," Kade says to me as I look at the 'grapes.' I nod my head and walk out of the room, forgetting to close the door. I then walk downstairs, return the other items to the fridge except for the grapes.

I then take the grapes and sit them on the counter. I look at them and notice that they have a white exterior. I turn my head in confusion as I hear footsteps approaching me. I look up to see it's Isabella. "You have to rinse the grapes before eating them," she says, monotonously.

I raise my eyebrows in confusion as I place my hands on the bag of grapes. I lift them, then hand them to her. "Rinse?" I ask as she walks over to the sink. "Like this," she says as she opens the bag, grabs a round thingie, and places the grapes inside it. I notice the round thingie has small holes in it and proceed to ask her what it is. "It's called a drainer." I nod my head as if I understood what she had said.

She then rinses the grapes, then places the grapes into another round thingie, but this one doesn't have holes in it. "There," she says, giving me the round thingie of grapes. I nod my head and mumble a thank you as I watch her walk away and back inside Kade's room.

I take one of the grapes and pop them into my mouth, softly chewing on it. I smile happily, enjoying the taste of the grape. I soon eat the rest of the grapes, finishing them in a short time. Once I finish, I place the empty round thingie in the sink and walk back upstairs.