Chapter 2

He is never nice to the other students unless there are other teachers around, then he has to act nice. I never really knew why, until I noticed that he was whispering words under his breath. He kept saying "The mission is not complete just yet" and he always held his ear when he said it. I didn't pay attention to it, even I think I should've. I noticed that he had an earpiece in and was always talking to the person on the other side of the earpiece behind my back. Either way, I would always have a weird feeling that I was being stared at by something, or someone.

Anyway, it was time to go on to my next class, once I got into the classroom, I saw Olivia, Ruby, and some other friends from middle school were, plus some students I have never met. Like these one girls named Madison and Alison, they went to a completely different elementary school as us three. I also saw a bully of mine from middle school in the classroom, just as I thought it couldn't get any worse, she asked me if she wanted to be friends. That sounded like a good idea to say no at the time, but I said that we could, as long as she doesn't try anything funny behind my back. Although, that was really strange of her to ask that question, then again, she was acting a little strange, just like Mr. Cleaver was, that would be the right time to worry a little bit.

She was always following me like I was a famous celebrity, she always carried a camera too. She kept saying that she was in a photography class, but there was no photography class that I had heard of. She was being very suspicious and it crept me out, I wondered what has gotten into her sometimes, but the thought of her taking pictures of me behind my back, even though she promised no funny business, was the last thing I want to think about. Anyways, we were in class when all of a sudden, the fire alarm went off and seconds later, the principal was on the intercom, telling us to evacuate the building, it was not a drill.