I looked around for anything I could use to defend myself, luckily, I found an old pipe that was on the ground, that had to do. I ran for the door and when I opened it, Mr.Cleaver had Isabella in a corner, he stood in front of her with a weapon, or more specifically, a cleaver. Fortunately, he was too distracted with scaring the fuck out of Isabella to see me. I crept up behind him and ...*Bang*... I hit him in the back of the head. Once he fell unconscious, I went to take Isabella's hand and get out of there.
"What the hell? You hit him", Isabella said with a shocked expression. "Well I couldn't just stand there and let him hurt you", I said. "I mean yeah, but you just hit a teacher, A TEACHER!!...That's not like you!", she said hesitantly. " I didn't mean to, it was like an instinct, I couldn't help it," I said as I helped her up and ran out of another door, her following close behind. I didn't think I had it in me to do that, I can't believe I even did it for her, I guess she changed me in so many ways ever since the kiss.
We ran out into the hallway where we met a teacher by the name of Mrs.Nife. We told her everything about how Mr.Cleaver went crazy and she told us that we could talk about it more once we got to her classroom. We followed Mrs.Nife down the hallway and turned into the classroom. Once we got inside, she closed the door behind us and grabbed me by my arms and held a knife to my neck, Isabella ran toward her in an attempt to fight, but before she could reach her, Mrs.Nife pulled her knife away from my neck, replace it with her arm, and pointed it towards her to create distance. "It's all part of the plan, you wouldn't want to get hurt, would you? Unless of course, you have forgotten about our deal."