Chapter 13

I am just going to skip the whole storytelling part and get to some major details. So anyway, we wait until Selina left, which wasn't that long to wait for, and I got up to leave, right until I had a "special visitor" around the corner of the bookshelf, it was Selina again. I accidentally bumped into her and she happened to turn around before we collided. We both grunt in pain and rub our foreheads before looking up and stare at each other with surprised expressions. I could not believe that she came back.

She decided to break the silence with her change of expression. She went from surprised to annoyed the same time I had fully processed what had happened, I was still pretty surprised. She gave me an evil smile while putting something in her pocket before walking away and out of the library. Once I got out of my trance-like position, Isabella, Olivia, and Ruby come up to me asking if I was alright. I was, at least, I thought I was.

They started to ask what happened when I put my hand in my pocket and realizing that my pocket knife was gone. I always carried a pocket knife with me for emergency defense against people who wanted to underestimate me. I still carry a knife around to this day, but I have found no way to use it on anybody, now I just carry it around in case I have to cut something and I don't have any scissors around. I was scared, mad even, who knew what she was going to do with it, all I knew was that I was defenseless without it and I, without thinking, started to take off after her, whatever she was going to do with it, it couldn't have been good.