Chapter 19

" is that helpful in this situation?", Isabella said with an angry tone in her voice. "What is wrong with you!?" I said with sudden anger that came out of nowhere, "I'm so sorry, I don't know what got over me or what that even was, excuse me!" I ran to the bathroom and locked the door behind me. I never yelled at anyone before, especially to people that meant a lot to me, well that and I needed to go, but the thought of yelling at them made me rethink my life and what has led up to that moment. I finished and went to the sink to wash my hands and happened to look up in the mirror, my eyes went from my regular eye color to yellow and back to my original eye color.

"GUYS!!! COME QUICK!!!", I yelled to get everyone's attention, it worked right away. They all ran to the bathroom to see what was wrong, what was going on, and why I had called them with such terror in my voice. I turned to look at them, and I saw that Oliva and Ruby had the same change of eye color, Olivia's eyes turned green while Ruby's eyes turned orange and then back to their original colors. I grabbed Olivia and Ruby by the wrist and dragged them in front of the mirror, they looked confused when they looked at themselves in the mirror, but then their expressions changed when we all saw each other's eyes change.

Everyone's jaws dropped straight to the floor, not literally, but you know what I mean. "WHAT WAS THAT!?!?" Olivia and Ruby yelled in unison as they stared into the mirror like they were waiting for it to happen again. "Does this have anything to do with what we are, does it mean anything?" Selina turned to look at us with a confused look, "It does, but that's not supposed to happen so early on in life, maybe it was only supposed to show a very small color differentiation, but not a total color difference, unless..."