Chapter 26

I was in shock when she told me that, of course, I was also very much confused and kept asking myself, "Is she talking about Mr. Cleaver or is it just a coincidence?". Anyway, we were all finished eating, Isabella helped my mom with the dishes while I went to my room, Selena following close behind without me knowing. I walked into my room and heard the door close behind me, I looked back and saw Selena and jumped a little, "Whoa, don't scare me like that, anyway, do you need something?", she just stood there with her hood over her head."Why did you bother saving me? I'm nothing, I'm not worth anything, I'm a nobody!" She sounded pretty serious, almost insane like.

"Well, for starters, you walked up to us and you would have gotten hurt if I hadn't have caught you, I would have never forgiven myself if I just left you there, plus, you were and always will be a friend of mine, family even, you ARE somebody, to me, my friends, my mom, in this case, don't look down on yourself, you matter just as much as everyone else, no matter what they tell you!" "Believe me, I've been there" She froze, staring at me, it only lasted seconds before she pulled me forward into a tight hug. I could barely breathe, but it was worth it.

I hugged her back and suddenly realized that my mom and Isabella were at the door, they were listening to most of our conversation. I didn't notice till they were hugging us, we were all pulled together for a group hug, everything was great, but we had to stop and get ready for bed. We all brushed our teeth and got into some pajamas, I let Isabella and Selina borrow some clothes. Isabella and I slept in my bed, Selena chose to sleep on the floor of my room, and my mom slept in her bed. We all slept soundly. Selina and my mom weren't morning people unlike me and Isabella, we let them sleep in anyway, it was the weekend, while me and Isabella watched movies, what could go wrong?