Chapter 27: 4 years and an engagement later

It's been 4 years since we all went to college

We are all done with college and all back together again

We decided to go out and have dinner and catch up

I got ready I did my hair and makeup and then I went to my closet and picked out the dress that I wore to graduation

I put on my heels and then go and find Xander to see if he's ready

When we get to the restaurant Xander says "reservations for Rutter" the hostess nods and says "right this way"

When we get to the table everyone's there

We all hug one another

Xander gets up and says "I'll be right back"

After Xander leaves i start conversation with Rosalynn

"So Rosalynn what are you doing now that your out of college"

She said "well during college I got my doctorate degree and now I'm a surgeon what about you"

I smiled and said "I got my degree in writing and now I'm an author writing children's books and adult books"

Xander came back after a few minutes

I looked at him and said "everything okay"

He smiled and said "yeah everything's perfect"

I then said "so Nadia what are you doing"

She smiled and said "I'm actually a house designer what about you Karsen"

I smiled and said "that's great"

Karsen said " well I'm a teacher I got my degree in teaching"

I smiled and said "I've always seen you as a teacher and I've always known you would do  amazing"

He smiled and said "thanks Adeline what about you Xander"

Xander smiled and said "I'm actually working at a publishing company called Hales publishing company what about you Aisha how's my little sister"

Aisha said "I'm doing good and I work as a vet tech what about you  Conner"

Conner said "I'm actually a doctor what about you Kale"

Before Kale could say anything the waiter came and took our order and drink orders

After we gave our orders to him he left and went to give to the chief

Kale said "I'm a teacher as well what about you Adin"

Adin said "Next fall I'm playing for the Red Sox's what about you Octavia"

I smiled and said "omg Adin that's amazing"

Octavia said "I'm actually a veterinarian what about you Baelfire"

Baelfire said "like Adin next fall instead of joining the Red Sox's I'm joining the Cubs instead what about you Ainsley"

Ainsley said "I'm in the fbi academy right now working my way up to become an fbi profiler"

I smiled and said "following your dreams that's my girl"

Our food came not a minute later as I was eating Xander smiled at me

I smiled back after we got done eating we ordered a vanilla  cake and when it came out

We started eating as I was eating in the middle of the cake was a giant ring

I looked at it confused and then I turned and saw that Xander was on his knee

He said "Adeline Colette Gates you have made my life so much better since I met you and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you do me the honors of marrying me"

I looked at him with tears in my eyes and said "yes goofball I will marry you"

He gets up and slips the beautiful ring on my finger and then kisses me 

Mall our friends clapped and said "congrats guys"

After dinner we all went back home

Me and Xander live in a 2 story house with 6 bedrooms, 6.5 baths, an entertainment room, a finished basement with a bar and a big back yard

When we got home I went up to our room and took off my dress and heels and got dressed in one of Xander's shirts

Xander came up behind me and said "did you have a good time baby"

I turned around and said "of course I did I definitely loved the part when you asked me to be your wife"

He smiled and said "me too"

after that we went to bed