I Got Kidnapped By My Sister

I knew we would get in trouble, I knew it. But did they listen to me? NO! Now look where it brought us!


"Hey! Pass the ball here!" "Pass it here!"

"Guys! Stop throwing the ball in the class! You might break something!" I scolded. I was always the saner one amongst my group of friends.

"Allen, pass it over here!" Yelled my best friend Brenda. Oh goodness, she's in this too.

Harold ran and stood behind me on a chair. Allen threw the ball hard on the ground so it would bounce and reach Harold and BOOM! The ball hit the lights and landed in my hands.

The door swung open and the lights fell in front of me. I looked up and saw a teacher. It was Ms Brown, the teacher who'd never let you get away with anything. I dropped the ball and screamed "I swear! I do not have any part in this!"

"I don't care, Sheila!" The teacher exclaimed. "All of you go to the outdoor assembly point, now!" She ordered.

*End of Flashback*

And that's how we ended up under the scorching heat of the sun. I stood at the assembly point, under the burning and annoying sun! Allen and Brenda laughed like idiots.

"At least we get to miss class!" Allen exclaimed happily.

In total there were fifteen people from my class. I ran my fingers through my black locks, frustrated. Moments later, I saw about fifteen students approaching us. All of them were my upperclassmen except one who was in my grade. I think her name was Rebecca.

Amongst the crowd of the upperclassmen were my sister, Estelle, and her friends. She's a beautiful and popular person. Everyone at school knew her and they all loved her. On the other hand, I was invisible. I was practically a nobody. Just among the crowds, a mob character or a Non-Player-Character.

Back to my sister. Her long, shiny black hair glistened even more in the sun and beautiful doll-like round eyes and thick eyelashes that looked too good to be real. And no, It wasn't mascara, she absolutely despises makeup. I know that because, on her 15th Birthday, I gifted her a bright red lipstick. She's a very nice person so she just kept it in her drawer. That was 2 years ago and I'm certain that it has expired. She never used it.

She almost always has a smile on her face. She gives off this aura of comfort, no wonder people look for her when they need support or comfort.

The way her beautiful onyx eyes gleamed in the sunlight and looked almost golden and her envious porcelain skin, who wouldn't fall in love with her?

She might have been one of the popular kids at school but she has only a small group of people who she calls friends. By small I mean literally only two other girls.

The two girls being Erika and Frederica.

Erika is a bright girl with a bubbly personality. With her waist-length, straight brown hair, sparkling hazel eyes and smooth silk-like skin, she too, is an extremely beautiful girl.

Frederica is more of a chill and laid back type of girl. Her dark brown, curly, shoulder-length hair framing her defined face, her almond-shaped eyes were embedded with dark brown orbs that could pierce right through your soul made her look like a typical tomboy.

To say the least, I have no idea how the three of them are even friends! Their personalities are so different! If you met them individually you'd be quick to think that they'd never get along. But nope! They have been stuck to each other like glue for the past four years. They were and still are inseparable!

​ I stood with a group of idiots who I apparently call my friends and who also happen to be my classmates. Except for Rebecca, she's one of the dumb popular kids of my grade. I looked at her while she took selfies, she looked like a duck. Duckface.

"Hey, Sheila! Look, your sister's there! Hi, Estelle!" Brenda exclaimed. I sighed, I regretted befriending an extrovert. Oh, wait! She found me, liked me and adopted me.

"Okay, underclassmen! Single file, now!" A rather familiar voice bellowed. I look towards the direction of the voice. "Huh, my sister?" I muttered to myself. She was never the commanding leader type.

Everyone just looked at her.

"Well, I'm waiting."

All of us stood in a line in a matter of seconds. This is the power of the upperclassmen! It felt like we were being ordered around by the commander, like soldiers.

"You must all be wondering why you were brought here," Erika said. "Well—" She was interrupted by Estelle. "Well, we'll let you find out on your own, now shall we?" Estelle finished.

She gestured to us to follow her. We silently abided by the upperclassman's wish. Or upperclasswoman. Whatever.

We were then taken to the school gates where we stood, waiting for something.

"Are we gonna die?" Brenda wondered.

"For just a light bulb? Hell no! I'm not going down like this!" Allen dramatically exclaimed.

"Calm down, guys!" I exclaimed. "Seriously!"

We then noticed the long line of cars that were just casually parked by the side of the road, which wasn't a peculiar sight here in Toronto. Just when all the students got out of the school gates, the cars slowly drove, one at a time in a very systematic manner, to us.

"Trust us and get into the car when your names are called," Frederica announced with her arms crossed. I looked around to see if there were any teachers. I obviously didn't trust them, screw them being my sister's friends.

The drivers got out of their cars and one by one called out the names of the students who were supposed to get into their car. Some of the drivers called two or three names.

Rebecca's name was the first one called. She walked over to the car with that spoilt attitude of hers, her nose scrunched up, "I'm not getting into this car!" She said while aggressively pointing at the car and the driver. "It's not up to my standards! I only travel in luxury cars that you peasants can't afford! I'm calling Daddy if you don't get me a better car!" She pulled her phone out of her fancy purse and started dialling.

I look at my sister, who supervised the whole thing with her friends; she had a small frown on her face but quickly replaced it with a fake smile.

She walked over to Rebecca, "I'm sorry, we don't have any supposedly 'luxurious cars' that you speak of. Only second year's and third years travel in slightly bigger cars. Besides, I think you'll come to like this car of yours."

Even though I couldn't see my sister's face I knew that she was giving Rebecca the look that said 'listen to me, or else', and God I did not want to be the one on the receiving end! I can feel the chills run down my spine!

Rebecca nodded and silently got into the car. Vanessa, a girl from my class, got into the same car.

All of us silently watched the exchange. When the car drove off, Estelle turned around to face us with a bright and beautiful smile on her face.

No one made any complaints about anything.

My friend Allen then left in a car with Flynn, another one of my classmates who was arguably saner than me.

Finally, my name and Brenda's names were called. Saying that the man who got out of the car was good looking is an understatement, he was gorgeous! He had a sharp jawline, beautiful sea-blue eyes, perfectly tan skin and messy brown hair that gave him a rebellious look. He smiled at us as he opened the door for us. His smile could cure cancer and rid the world of poverty!

"Hey! Charles! Don't go about seducing my sister. Don't you already have a fiancé?" my sister asserted. My shoulders dropped after hearing that.

As she said that a gorgeous woman with beautiful, wavy blonde hair and smoky grey eyes stepped out of the shotgun seat and looked at Charles with a look of disappointment.

"Charles, just this afternoon you told me that there was no one else out there for you. I'm really disappointed that you would do this to me." She said, placing a hand above her heart to look offended. It was pretty obvious to me that the woman was teasing Charles. She had that look of amusement in her eyes.

I don't know if Charles was playing around or was actually an idiot, cause the very moment the woman said that, he turned around and practically begged for forgiveness.

I couldn't hold it in anymore and I think that even Brenda couldn't because at that instant the two of us burst out laughing.

The woman smiled at us and introduced herself, "My name is Stellar. It's a pleasure meeting you. I'll be the one who will be taking care of all your needs when we reach headquarters. This is Charles, he is going to be your Protector."

The woman, Stellar, motioned to us to follow her into the car. "I'll explain the rest in the car, come."

From the corner of my eye, I see another man getting out of a car, he looked just like Charles. I stopped "Um, excuse me miss, but who is that guy?"

"Oh! He's Charlie, Charles' older twin. Now let's go we have so much to do and so little time!"

I looked at Estelle for her consent. I didn't trust these guys. Heck, I didn't trust anybody at that point. I could only trust my own blood. Estelle gave me a small smile and nodded.

If she trusted them, I had to trust them too.