Product Of Madness

It has been three days since Mortis had distributed his papers and he had a following that started to form. They all decided that their home base would start out in his home. From the inside, it was the start of something great, but from the outside, it was beginning to look like a cult. They began to plan out everything from where to start their take over to what their flag should look like. They had a group that consisted of around thirty members. Some of which had started to get sent out to other towns spreading his message of reform.

"Thank you everyone for being here!" He called out from the top floor landing over the entry area of his home.

They responded to him with a cheer.

"We need to have a name and I thank you all for your suggestions. I have looked over them and I have decided which one we will go with." He spoke in a tone that gave false security to everyone present.

Once again they only cheered for him.

"We will go by the name of Allegiance For A Free Italy." He smiled with his hands raised out to everyone below.

They cheered again but this one was loud enough to blur into a guttural roaring sound. It brought him a sense of pride with the control that he seemed to have over these people. He was truly in their minds the answer for what they needed for everything to get better. He lowered his hands slowly causing their cheers to lower with them.

"Tomorrow we will make our first move to bringing this world under our wings. Tomorrow we will take the town hall. This should send a message out to the people of this town to come and join us. We need to show everyone that we are the answer even if it needs to be shown by force." He spoke with a sense of arrogance in his voice for their progress.

All through the night Mortis and six of his followers scanned over maps of the city capital. Each map had six copies and each copy had a different plan drawn on. They sat scheming over what time, route, and if they should kill the mayor or not. They did know that either way the military would be getting involved either way. This was something they had prepared for or in their plan they had prepared for it.

On the day that they plan on executing their plan, they had set it up so that two groups would operate at one time. One group will make their way to the state capital while the other goes to a nearby bell tower with a bomb in tow. When the signal is given the squad with the bomb will blow the bell tower while the squad in the capital takes the mayor hostage. While the mayor is held hostage the squad with the bomb they will split up regrouping at Mortis's home and locking the building up.

"Is everyone on the same page?" Mortis asked as he rolled up the maps for the plan they all voted on.

After everyone gave their confirmation of understanding they all got to rest for the next day. The feeling of excitement had charged the air within the home and it could be felt by everyone as they woke the next morning. They made sure that no identifying marks had been left on their bodies by burning their fingers, cutting off all of their hair, and covering their bodies in baggy clothing. The weapons they had gathered for this plan had been put in a drop-off location near the capital building.

"Everyone ready to go?" Mortis asked with a powerful authority in his voice.

"Yes sir!" The words came in unison from everyone paired with the click of boot heels meeting.

This sound made him smile the biggest smile he has ever had. That is the one thing that Montie didn't know was that Mortis had always been within his mind. It wasn't until all the needed pieces had fallen that he was able to come to the surface. Mortis is the side of Montie that he didn't want to show and by him repressing the feelings it managed to take on the form of a new identity. That identity became the creature that stands before and leads the people now.

"Let's get this party started." Mortis spoke with a strong sense of pride.

Silently they walked the streets and again faces collected in the windows watching them as they walked. Each one wore a look of disapproval and disgust. Mortis and his followers gave open disregard to the people in the windows. The people in the windows had been considered weak among the people that made up the A.F.A.F.I because of them being afraid to come out. Something that had happened that even Mortis didn't understand was that fear seemed to fade away from the people that had joined him.

"You." Mortis pointed at one of the five followers that had come with him. "Go get the bag that is down in that drain."

The follower vanished off into the fog without a word of protest. As they carefully made their way into the drain they had to dig around in a pile of brush to find a lone duffle bag. They inspected the duffle bag and found that it contained weapons that looked as if they had been stolen from a military base. When they felt satisfied with what they had found they took the bag back to Mortis and continued on their way.

"Here we are, boys and girls. The city capital." Mortis said as they stood near an access point for the staff of the building.

He pulled out a handheld radio and pressed the button on the side twice. That caused the receiving radio to beep twice. This was the signal the bomb team had been waiting on. They pushed the bomb into the double doors on the front of the clock tower and dived into a nearby ditch as the fire pushed its way out of the doors taking them off their hinges. When they emerged from the ditch the tower was swaying back and forth ready to collapse on itself.

Mortis pushed the button, but this time he spoke. "Remember the gunpowder plot boys. Now don't get caught and God's speed."