Chapter 1


Deafening sounds of explosions and chaos are ringing through the dirty red sky as two sides of massive armies are staring down at each other with small battles occurring here and there.


[The First Phase has begun. Please be sure to work together and win the war Players and Npcs alike]

The sound that every npc is tired of hearing, The System's voices rang out and those words are displayed to the humans. 

On one side of the two army, stood the Human and a somewhat weird looking human-like species called Players. The players are clearly the heroes of the battlefield as they stand there with their glorious armours and weapons. On the other hand, the npcs are nothing more than cannon fodder as they are clearly malnourished and wearing something that's only slightly better than beginner's armoury. 

Even amongst the players, there was one who stood out among the rest of his fellow brethren. The golden heavy plated armour he is wearing shoned with glistening light and his piercing blue eyes stared seemingly straight into the soul of the leader of the opposing army.

The other side only consists of a singular man and an uncountable amount of species of monsters like the frost titan and the Thousand Armed Behemoth. The leader of the army of monsters is a man with average look, yet one would not look past him as he is emitting an aura of pure destruction and unruly chaotic energy while donning a suit of swirly red armour that gave off an unsettling aura. 

The leader of the players smirked with confidence, he shouted out:

"Give up Leon, you won't be able to beat us even with your countless monsters by your side. We players are the kings of this world so just surrender yourself and we might spare your life!" The leader of the monster army named Leon just snickered and shouted back:

"Foolish. To even thing that you stand a chance against my countless amount of beast is nothing but fantasy. You came to this world suddenly one day claiming us to be npcs and yourself as players, while treating us powerless originals as nothing more than slaves! That will change today my brethren, fight for our future!"

All the monsters, players, and "npcs" shouted out and started to clash with each other as all the "npcs" was suddenly engulfed in a blinding red light and was transported onto the man in the red armour's side. 

The leader of the Players smirks

"What can you even do Leon? You do remember that they are sealed by-" His words were cut short as a few players was killed by the ganking of 15 "npcs".

"That's not possible! How did you break the enslaving seals on these npcs!"

The leader of the Players shouted out in shock and disbelief. 

Leon smiled coldly and replied

"None of your damn players business!"

But this is all in the future, lets take it all the way back to how it first started. 


The Year is 2019.

Birds are chirping as gentle winds are blowing away the leaves that has been painstakingly piled up. 

"Goddammit why do these leaves keep being blown away arghhh!!"

A man that looks to be in his early 20s and have average looks screamed out in despair as he watch his hard work being blown away again

This man was Leon, a college student with above average physique standing at 192 centimeters but below average in the department of brains. He is currently sweeping the leaves that has fallen into his front yard of his rented house. 

His skin is a healthy brown colour just like his wavy hair. His body was very muscular and shaped like a greek god's to the point that you might think it has been chiselled personally by a master sculptor.

"Mannn, I guess I'll just do it later tomorrow, ain't no way Im gonna sweep the leaves again." Leon said as he take a look at his watch.

"Oh look at the time! Didn't even notice it's time for the double date John and I have been planning"

Leon had planned to go on a double date with his roommate and best friend John Reeve, a handsome and charismatic and also a smart guy that he met in highschool. His friend said that he will set him up with someone as Leon has never dated any girls in his life. This will be a first for him.

Leon quickly went into the house and took a quick shower before changing into a casual black shirt with ripped jeans. He wore his favourite watch which was given to him on his 16th birthday by his mother and a pair of Nuke sneakers.

He pulled out his phone to call a cab and waited for around 5 minutes before it arrived.

As he was riding the cab he made sure to do his daily ritual of checking his Youtube and his subs count. That's right, Leon is a youtuber with a considerable amount of subscribers at 100k subs. His content?  Showing off life hacks to live a better and cheaper life for college students alike. 

"Oho i got an extra 2 thousand subscriber in the last 24 hours? Must have been because there was John featured in it"

Leon sighed while thinking of how to exploit his best friend in the best way possible for more views and subs.

As he is thinking about this, the cab has arrived at his destination, he quickly paid the cab driver while giving his thanks and got out of the car. 

Leon makes his way to the movie theater as he sees his best friend John talking with 2 pretty girls. 

"Woah John really got us some pretty girls to go on our first date" Leon thought to himself and made a mental note to share his spicy cup noodle with John next time while he's grinning happily like a fool.

He sneaks up on John and suddenly pounces on him playfully. 

"John you really love your bestie huh!" Leon said before bear hugging him from behind and rubbing his cheeks on John's hair. 

"Ah let go of me you stupid hunk of a bear, you're embarrassing me!" John screamed out loud as he was shocked.

The two girls was laughing as they are watching their little mischief and were about to introduce themselves when suddenly 

 A gigantic pillar of light appeared. 

"W-what in the world is that pillar of light!?" Shouted one of the pedestrian

Screams fills the streets as the mob of crowd panicked while some of them took out their phone to record it.

Leon even heard someone saying "Hey guys, today we have a sighting of a giant pillar of light. If you guys haven't already though, be sure to hit the like and subscribe and click that little bell" which made Leon consider doing a livestream but he quickly got the thoughts out of his mind.

"What the- calm down guys it might be just a light show from the uhh, government? "

John shouted out loud in a tone of voice that was unsure about his statement himself as an effort to keep the messy and unorganized crowd calm.

Before anyone could say anything, they all simultaneously saw a screen in front of them appears with a -


[System initiating...]

'What is this?' Everyone thought in their mind. Without a pause though, it continues-

[Iniation completed!]

[Generating stats for npcs]

[Summoning Players]

"Wait this scenario looks familiar" Said Leon in a shocked voice.

Leon was a lover of all types of fantasy novel so he was familiar with this scenario.

"Is the system going to turn our world into a world full of monster and magics and the system will give us power to hunt them? Wouldn't that be to too cliche? " Suddenly one of the girls said the exact same thing that was in Leon's head.

"Woah, you took the words straight out of my mouth! " Leon was suprised to learn that one of the girls was also familiar with this scenario.

Now that the 'System' had been quite for a while and everyone is frozen still standing in shock, Leon took a quick look at these two girls appearance.

One of them who hadn't said anything was the taller of the two standing at 172 cm tall. She had silky black hair with a bob hairstyle that reaches down to her shoulder. She's wearing a simple white tshirt and blue jeans while having her handbag slung on her shoulder. . Her eyes were quite big and were hazelnut coloured. Paired with her small nose and lips, she got quite the cute vibe.

The girl that said exactly what Leon had thought about was quite short standing at 165 cm. She's wearing a blue short top with a cute pink miniskirt. Her long black hair flowing far to her back, she also got a pair of beautiful starry black eyes that makes one feel as if they're staring into the night sky. Her long nose also compliment her face with her thin lips.

(A/N Im bad at describing looks so shut)

"Yeah I've been reading a lot of fantasy novels these days, I found myself attracted to them." The starry eyed girl said with a smile

"I see," Leon said while nodding

"If only we've met on a better circumstances than this I would've love to know you over a can of diet pepsi, but I'm afraid that's not possible at the moment." Leon said while expressing his disappointment with a shake of his head.

She giggled at his joke

The conversation that doesn't fit the current atmosphere continues.

"Oh I still haven't catch the name of you two, my name is Leon Kennedy, What's the name of you both? " Leon asked earnestly.

John just stares at Leon with a grim face as he expresses his disbelief of the conversation going on infront of him when the starry eyed girl answered.

"My name is Jessica Diane, Nice to meet you Leon!" Said Jessica while smiling and holding her hand out. Leon smiled and shook her hand.

The tall girl also replied quite shyly.

"Oh um, my name is Grace Braveheart but shouldn't we be worried about this thing? " Grace replied while asking a question in a panicked voice.

'Braveheart? Damn that sounds badass. ' Leon thought to himself before he answer her concern

"Well if what I've read is true, we are gonna be bestowed the title of players and people from another world will also come and act as npc to give us quest and ask us to kill the demon king or something" Said Leon in a joking manner.

When John was gonna say something about him reading too many novels, the system rang out once more.


[Stats Generation for npcs completed]

[Player have been summoned]

[Displaying stats]

Suddenly a display of a blue screen pops out infront of Leon's eyes

[ Npc's Info ]

Leon Kennedy

Level 1

Title(s): None.

Trait(s): The Overlord

Health: 130/130.

Mana: 80/80

Strength: 14

Vitality: 13

Intelligence: 8

Agility: 14

Magical Energy: 8

Skills: None


In a normal case, Leon would have been beyond excited to see his own stats and that the world is turning to a game world. But his eyes caught a word that sank his mind down into a dark abyss. He didn't even notice his exceptionally cool sounding trait.

"I'm an Npc?? " Leon shouted in disbelief