Legend Of The Sword

The teacher was already In the class. He had started his lecture. He glared at Aster, a usual glare a person recieves when he get late. Aster saw the whole class, except the teacher, glaring at him in pure anger. Or, was it really anger? Confusion? Doubt? Hatred? Sympathy? Was it a mixture of all these? Aster couldn't say.

He just walked with his head low. Moved towards the desk Eren and Sienna were sitting, and looked at them in pure confusion. They didn't utter a word. But they moved aside and made room for Aster to sit. Aster could see that they were equally confused too. But Eren's faced showed a tinge of anger besides confusion. Aster could feel Eren's confused rage. The three of them did not speak a word. They just listened to the class.

Then, they heard the bell. The bell which said the first period was over. No one spoke. Again a bell. Still silence. Bell again. Silence again. Teachers came and left. They had their lunch in silence. None of the three uttered a word. Several bells passed. And at last, it was over. The endless silence had found an ending. The last bell rang at four. Everyone picked up their bags and left the class and rushed to the auditorium where they could meet the legend. The legend of the mages. The most powerful 'Daniel Hogman'.

Sienna, Eren and Astor remained in their seats. Sienna broke the silence.

"Is it true? Did you really try to kill them?" Sienna's face was red, but she was not angry.

"Try to kill? Who?" Aster shot up in surprise.

"I told you he won't say." Eren spoke bitterly. Rather too bitterly.

" Hey Eren, stop. I will ask him myself." Sienna was far more believing than Eren.

"I did not try to kill anyone. Do you both think I will?" Aster asked sincerely.

"They why the heck are they now in the city hospital? Tell me." Eren was red with anger.

"WHAT? City What? I did not try to kill anyone. I saw them running away with my own eyes." Aster cried out.

"Both of you, don't shout. Aster, tell me what happened. And no lies."

Aster explained everything that happened the previous night. How he was beaten up, how he got angry and burst out into flames and about the sword, everything. Aster felt that he was rambling. But he told everything sincerely.

"Then how on earth did they get beaten up? Why did they say that you beat them up?" Sienna asked.

"I don't know." Said Aster, shaking his head.

"Ok! Forget it. They said that they have no complaint but if you have done something don't try to hide it. We are always here to help." Sienna told. Sienna was always like that. The peacemaker between Aster and Eren.

"You told her about the dimension thing?" Aster asked Eren who looked calm now.

"Yes. He did." Sienna said.

Aster's mind was filled with guilt. Though he had told Eren about the other dimension and the mages, he had not disclosed many things the doctor had told him. He had only told them that the mages were planning an attack on Earth. He felt it better not to disturb his friends with unpleasant thoughts. He hadn't told them the root of the sword and its connection to his soul. He himself did not believe those.

"But do you think that can ever happen? I mean, without any sort of passage, such an attack waged from another dimension would not reach here right?" Sienna was clever. Knows how to use logic.

"Such a thing can never happen even with a passage because dimensions never exist." Even was always like this, stubborn. Never believes until it happens.

"Whatever, I do not want to miss the change today." Saying this Sienna picked up her bag and rushed toward the door. The other two, forst stared at each other then immediately got up and picked their bags and rushed behind Sienna. All three of them, together, ran to the auditorium.


The auditorium was already packed with hundreds of students when the reached. They were actually the last to enter. As a result they had to occupy the seats in the last row. They sat down in the only seats available. Eren let out a groan.

"Just because of you we are here now." Eren looked at Aster and said.

"There's still one good thing." Aster said grinning.

"What's that?" Eren asked.

"Look there." Aster pointed to their front and sides, smiling heartily.

All girls! Hot and cute ones. One advantage coming last. Hot girls always pick the last seats. Perfect chance for a date.

"Why didn't I see that? Oh my God! Did you see that?" Eren said pointing to one of the girls sitting in front of them.

"She's hot." Aster said looking fixedly at the girl Eren was pointing.

"She's beautiful. Look at her..." Even began and was cut off in between.

* Plankkk!* Sienna had struck both of them hard on their heads. She shot angry glances at both of them. They did not speak a word about girls afterwards but They were so tempted to. Why won't they be? Poor boys.

Then they saw their teacher, Ms Rachel get upon the podium. Ms Rachel was about 50 years of age with greying hair and a lot of wrinkles on her face. She was fat but had a minute waist. She was smartly dressed today. She had put on a dark red lipstick which made her look younger, though her grey hair deceived her. She was pretty irritated with all the hustle and bustle and howling inside.

" Silence " She announced. A mild warning. And her students, she knew, were not so good as to stop howling at the first warning.

"I said, Silence." Second one. A more stronger and sterner one. Half of the students went silent with this. Aster, Eren and Sienna were among them. Then, there was the other half, the rebellious ones. 25 years of teaching has taught her how to deal with them too.

"Be silent now or tomorrow, first thing in the morning will be lining up all of you in the yard for 2 hours without sweaters and boots." All of the students shut their mouth, and listened attentively. She smiled to herself.

She cleared her throat and started speaking again.

" Today we are having a very special guest here....." Her voice trailed away. Aster was thinking about Daniel Hogman now. How he would look like in reality, would he be able to talk to him, will Hogman see him...

His chain of thoughts was suddenly broken by Eren, who shook him and said

"There he is! "

Aster saw everyone turned towards him. Oh no! He made a mistake. They were turning towards the auditorium entrance which was next to his seat. He turned too. Aster saw him walking in. He was wearing a suit. A black suit with a red tie. He had those black eyes. Wow! Capturing black eyes. And then was his height. He was so tall. His black hair glowed in the spotlight. He had a muscular body. He walked confidently towards the stage. He got on the stage and smiled, a pleasant smile.

"Good evening Kiddos." He greeted everyone loudly, pleasantly.

Sienna was drinking a fruit beer and almost spilled half of it out, hearing Hogman addressing them 'kiddos'. She started coughing and laughing at the same time.

The whole auditorium laughed hearing the indented addressal.

"What's wrong with 'kiddos'?" Eren asked seriously to the half coughing -half laughing Sienna.

Sienna trying hard to control her laughter, replied, "Nothing."

The laughter died out. But Sienna still couldn't stop coughing. She went on with it. The whole auditorium was silent, except for Sienna's constant coughing. Everyone turned their heads in that direction. Aster, Eren and Sienna felt so embarrassed. Aster tried patting on Sienna's head to stop her from coughing. Even Hogman was looking at the three of them. Eren was scolding Sienna.

"Stop it, you fool. Everyone's looking."

Finally Sienna stood up and left auditorium.

Hogman started his speech. He spoke a lot about the peace treaty between mages and non mages, the revolutions, the rules etc. A boring speech. Then something interesting popped up. Hogman started it with a question.

"Have you kids heards of the legendary sword? No? Oh! My God! Don't these teachers tell you nothing about these? It's a shame. Ok, now I'll tell you. Legend says that there is a sword which is the most powerful sword in the world. Ask me. How does it look like? One of you. Ask."

Sienna had came back and sat down in her place.

"What's happening?" She asked.

"He's speaking about some Legendary sword." Eren said.

" Ok."

"How does it look like?" Somebody asked him.

"It's said that the sword is made of pure silver. Gleaming silver with a handle that is carved like a dragon. Don't ask me what a dragon is. The mythical creature." Aster could feel his heart pounding faster. Hogman continued, " And then on the rear of the handle it would be written in pure golden letters, what? Any guessess? " Aster could feel his heart heat faster and faster.

"Imperial mage." He whispered.

Sienna and Eren also got nervous at the description of the sword. They heard Aster whisper it.

"No guessess? Poor kids. Imperial Mage. Yes, that's it. ImperiaI Mage, the most powerful and strongest of all mages. It's said that anyone who possess the sword will get incomparable powers."

Eren and Sienna looked at Aster. Not looked, glared. They didn't even blink. Aster had gone pale. His pulse rate rose. He breathed heavily. He couldn't utter a word. He was speechless...