The Crows/ The Bastard...

(I'm going to be doing first-person from now on)

It's been 2 years since I've killed my family, At first Liz didn't know how to talk to me anymore but she got over it

We've been moving a lot, Killing target's and even stealing from people That looked rich enough

We had decided that we would go to the capital in 2 more years That means I have at least 7 years until plot

" What's for dinner?" Liz asks as she comes in the cave

" Your the women... Figure it out" I say before I have to dodge a knife

" Bastard!" She throws another knife at me which I just stop in mid air and throw it down

I've been training my bending and Am able to bend metal now, It also seems God added an extra skill with my sword

I have a sword domain, And in the domain I can cut anything, Right now my domain is only about 4 feet but with more training it should be bigger soon

" We should go the that village today" Liz says bringing me out of my thoughts

" Why?"

She blushes and looks away" N-No reason"

I eye her skeptically then it clicks " Holy crap!! You have a crush!" I yell and she gets redder

" Shut up Idiot!!" She says throwing more knifes at me " I'll just go myself..."

" Ok have fun then" I say and leave the cave (At least it seems she is getting over her trauma... Well she is 17 so it makes sense for her to fall in love)

I continue walking around the forest for a while until I feel someone is watching me

I make a casual gesture like I'm wiping my forehead and then throw a knife towards their direction

" Get him!!!"

Around 10 people pop out of the trees along with the one that I hit with the knife

" Who are you guy's" I say uninterestedly

" We are The crow's" A man in the front says and they all pose " We heard that the last member of the Akira clan was spotted to be somewhere around here

" Well I don't see anyone around here..." I smile and manipulate earth to slowly capture them

" Don't try to hide it reaper!!..."

Oh yah Because I had been still killing people it came to me gaining a new nickname, Since I didn't care about people seeing my face I was quite known around this side of the world

" Yah yah whatever... what do you want?"

He straightens out his body then they all kneel Much to my surprise " Lord!! Please take these unworthies to be your disciples!!!"

I gawk at them" What the hell do you mean disciples!?" I yell at them

" Lord! We have been trying ti come into contact with you for several months now, Everyone here is someone that had their life changed for the because of you killing people... Like me, My mother beat me everyday but I was too cowardly to leave... But you came and killed her, You have my forever loyalty!!"

(Ok I'm starting to get what's going on here...) I sigh and Walk forward to him and place my hand on his shoulder " I'll give you a test... Kill one person and bring back their head's, once you've done that I will let you follow me... You have one week!" I yell to them and they all jump up except for the guy I hit earlier

" Sorry about that here" I use the water healing technique to heal the knife wound " There now go do your mission" He immediately gets up bows and runs away

1 Week Later

I was laying down enjoying my rest when I heard noise from the entrance to the cave, I walk out and See Liz fighting with " The crows" As they like to call themselves

Liz was dominating them using every technique she could, She didn't kill them yet but it was obvious she was going to later

As I watch Liz about to go in for the kill I yell " Stop!"

She stops and walk slowly backward nit questioning my order

" Ok guy's since you've completed that mission you are now My disciples... I guess" When I say those words they brighten up and some of them even start crying

" Thank You Lord!!"

" Stop calling me that Just say Jason"

" Yes Lord Jason!"


I look back to Liz who is looking at me questioningly and I explain the situation

" Oh I see well I need to get back to the village... I have a date" She says and looks right at me

" Ok good luck"

*5 months later*

I'm training with The Crow's division, Yes that's right a number of other individuals have come seeking me, They could only find me due tk me staying in one place for so long

There are 2 division, The crows And The Panthers

The crow's are the ones who do sneak kills, While the Panthers use gruesome methods and don't care about stealth to kill their target

Anyway as I was training with them I notice Liz come back Which surprised me as She usually stays all day with her boyfriend who I couldn't bothered to learn his name

What surprised me even more however was her obvious red eyes as if she had just been crying

I stop the training and follow her into the cave. " What happened?"

She turns around and then wipes her eyes " I-its nothing" She tries to walk back out but I catch her arm " Then Why would you cry if it was nothing..."

She looks right in my eyes and then Starts crying again " H-H-He cheated on me!!" She says bawling her eyes out


" He cheated on me with some noble girl who is visiting the village" She continues crying

" I see... Get some rest"

I walk out of the cave " Guy's" When I say this everyone show's up kneeling in front of me

" We strike tonight, Don't let those nobles keep their lives"

Later that night I'm walking through the village hearing the screams of the guard's of the noble girl " Please don't hurt me I-im sorry!" A girl with brown hair and a dirtied dress yells as one of the men is about to kill her

" Wait"

Everyone stops and the girl looks at me as if I'm her saviour

" Take her to the cave, Liz should be the one to kill her..."

"Yes aniki" He says and grabs the girl and runs back

Yes they all started calling me aniki even though most of them are older than me

I walk through a certain door and see a man about 20 hiding

" Hello"

" A-are you here to help the village?" He asks hopefully

" Hmm Well it depends... Do you know a girl named Elizabeth?"

He widens his eyes and starts shaking " Wait pleas I'm sorry I- I love her I didn't mean to cheat-"

Those were to last words he said before I cut his tongue out of his mouth " Don't say you love her bastard!!!" He looks at me with fear

" Damn it, You aren't even worth my time to kill" I suddenly smile evily " Here this is a gift" I slice his legs off and burn the stumps " Now you can live your life as a worthless cripple..." I walk out ignoring his screams

" Let's go!" I yell and we all run Leaving a burning mark in the ground...

When We get back to the cave I can hear screaming in the cave and I know that Liz is torturing the girl noble

"*Sigh* Maybe this is a bit too far" I then walk inside the cave and see the noble girl bloody and disfigured

Liz is still cutting her and punching her until I grab her hand " That's enough!"

She looks at me like she wants to argue, But decides against it

" Thank you Master..."

" Guy's get this body out of here!"

I then turn back me attention to Liz" Do you feel better?"

" Yah..."

" Don't worry there are plenty if fish in the sea I'm sure you'll find someone..." I then smile and walk out to leave her to her thoughts

(All right Our organization is coming along nicely...)