The real reason for her coming to Earth was, because there was a man terrorizing the big city and its people.

Terrorizing as in using a butterfly miraculous, which has the power to give someone superpowers making them one's devoted follower - akuma, to get the ultimate power, probably...

Few months ago, there was a meeting of all the Xadia's leaders and because in avatar Korra's time it became a necessity for the avatar to be there as well, Marinette couldn't really avoid it. It was her first time there, but she figured if it was anything like the Horde, she had this in the bag.

Turns out, it's nothing like the Horde.

A few guards of the Earthly portal came to speak, and "apparently" something was wrong with the portal. At first, they figured there must be something wrong on the other side, so they went to take a look and came with the conclusion that someone was using dark magic on Earth. It was slowly infecting Xadia, as well, due to the fact that the two planets were connected.

In the end, they decided to send someone there, to take care of the situation. And they also decided, that that someone should be the avatar.

As soon as they said her name, Marinette was up and out of the room in seconds. It was difficult enough to have to listen to anything that had to do with the Earthlings, now they expected her to go there, too? Again?!

It took days to convince Marinette to even listen to what the leaders had to say.

In the end, she had to admit, they did make some pretty good arguments, which she would deny, if asked.

One of the arguments was that, she hadn't learned waterbending, yet, which was a problem if she wanted to 'fulfill her duties as the avatar'. Apparently there's like, a waterbending master, that lives among them as a normie, yet he was not.

Anyway, it was said, he's really good, and that Marinette should at least consider, as they tried with every other waterbending master out there, all of which had been rejected by the avatar herself.

The second argument being, the avatar should be introduced to muggles - beings with no Primal magic inside of them. Which did cause a slight problem, you see, when she was on Earth as a Horde soldier, and after, she didn't really leave a good impression as being their savior...quite the opposite, actually.

But she wasn't about to tell them that.

Yet, even after all of this, it was clear that the leaders themselves were terrified at the thought of sending the young avatar on Earth. Which was reasonable, because Xadians were terrified of Earthlings.

The source of that fear went decades back.

In the time of avatar Korra.

After Korra defeated Kuvira, there was only one world, Xadia. Back then, everyone lived together peacefully.

It all happened, rather out of nowhere...

There was a murder, a young man, who just so happened to be a firebender. At first they thought nothing of it and just tried to find out who did it. But not even a week later there was another, and then another...

And so it continued.

Chief of police, Lin, thought it was a serial killer they were dealing with.

One day they decided to take a closer look at all the victims, to see if they were, in any shape or form, connected. The only connection they could make, was that everyone was either a bender, a wizard or an elf.

That was when the riots began.

There were nonbenders on the streets, on rooftops, they were everywhere.

But this time they didn't just take bending away, they killed anyone and anything that had primal magic inside them.

It was disgusting and- and awful. Avatar Korra didn't know what to do. They were out of control.

There was a war, somehow those with primal magic almost went extinct.

With the help of a group of sorcerers and wizards, Korra managed to find a solution.

She was going to create a new world.

And she did. It took a lot of energy out of her, but she did it.

They managed to send every muggle through. They never heard from them again.

After that, they destroyed anything that reminded them of muggles.

Some time after, they put some guards there, just for extra protection.

Now, anytime someone even mentions anything that has to do with them, Xadians get scared shitless. It's not like anyone could blame them.

After Marinette came to Xadia, she told few people she was from the Horde, or rather, from Earth. And that she was there this whole time. At the time they didn't know that she was the avatar, because she introduced herself as an earthbender.

They found out who she was, after...something happened. It wasn't anything big, she just got into a fight at school and like a dumbass that she was, her Megara side kicked in and she started bending all three elements.

That was how they found out that the girl who lived was also the avatar.

After some convincing, with Prim's help, they finally managed to convince her to go to Earth.

So here she was. Looking for someone that probably didn't even exist and she was just wasting her time here. And it sure as hell didn't help that she had to deal with Chat Noir, too.

She had to restrain herself from killing him on the spot.

The first week of school, nothing really big happened, nothing that demanded her attention, at least.

She decided to just focus on school, or something that would keep her mind still. She even tried writing some songs, but being here and doing that... everything just reminded her too much of something.

She tried training, but the equipment they had here, wasn't the right for her and everything was just too easy, so she gave up on that rather quickly.

Chat Noir and her decided to exchange night patrols. She had three patrols a week, which were all supervised by him. *eye roll*

At least Chat Noir kept her kind of busy with him constantly telling her, what a monster she was and that she should just go back to wherever she came from and leave them alone...

When she didn't have a patrol she would go running on rooftops with Simba.

That always seemed to keep her mind off of shit. But the change of scenery messed with her.

She was used on running on soft grass that tickled her bare feet. She hated running on pavement, it made her feel restrained, like she was trapped, and all of that reminded her of the Horde.

Due to all of this, she spent most of her time just... Laying on her bed, staring at her celling. Just...thinking.

King, Simba and Tikki did clame it seemed kind of depressing, but Marinette would always shut down the topic before it would even start with 'I'm fine.'

They were used to just believing her and dropping the topic.

The longer all of this would go on, the longer they would argue about the said topic.

"I told you Simba, I'm fine!" Said Marinette for the third, if not forth time that day. And it was only noon.

Simba growled in response, just like he always did. They knew it was of no use trying to get anything out of the girl in front of them. She was stubborn like that.

Even surrounded with the ones she trusted, she couldn't completely trust anyone. She knew that. They all knew that. Yet, they couldn't help but feel irritated by it.

"But-" Tried Tikki, but Marinette cut her off, before she could continue.

"I said, I'm okay. Stop worrying about me." Was all she said before leaving the room.

Outside, she locked it, of course, and decided to go on a walk. She needed to clear her mind.

"Everything ok-," Wanted to ask Helen, but Marinette interrupted her.

"Don't finish that sentence."

Everything just felt better once she was outside. She never did like being surrounded by four walls.

She didn't know where she was going, she just went wherever her feet carried her.

And while she walked, she started thinking - which was never a good think - started thinking about the situation she was in.

A part of her blamed the hundreds- if not thousands of vibrations she felt all day every day, for making her feel like...this.

The other part knew that wasn't the case. She was feeling like shit, because of where she was - Paris, France.

She thought about all the times she'd found herself here. Of all the fucked up things other people made her go through here.

Yet, she didn't have the right to just walk away. To walk away from everything - being the avatar, the girl who lived, Amethyst...

Marinette only ever wanted one thing - freedom.

She'd spent so many years trapped in the walls of the Fright Zone. And then she escaped, and when she actually thought she'd have it, everyone found out she was the avatar. And ahe had to say goodbye to it forever.

There were so many sad and painful moments in the girl's life, where she had more than the right to stop hoping and caring, but she never did. She just pretended that she did, because it was easier than to let everyone know she has feelings, too. Feelings always scared her. She just didn't like them.

Besides hatred and pain, Marinette only ever experienced one other "emotion", at least she thought she did, that emotion being love.

But it all happened a long time before she came back to Earth.

So, why was she experiencing all of this again?

A part of her was still afraid and on edge all the time, because at any moment she could come out of nowhere and- and use her again. That's why she had trouble sleeping, that's she couldn't focus on anything other than her thoughts.

The thoughts, she knew, will kill her someday.

And then it happened.

A smaller earthquake happened.

Marinette soon figured the cause wasn't Mother nature, but rather, the thing she came to defeat.

Unfortunately for her, she forgot to take Tikki with her, so she ran back to the apartment as fast as she could - which was pretty fast. When she got there, the family she was staying was gathered around the TV, so they didn't even notice her coming in.

Quickly, she unlocked her bedroom door, locking them once again once she was inside. Tikki was already awaiting her. Simba and King were looking out the window, when all of a sudden something flew past it.

Marinette transformed and jumped through the window. The increased vibrations told her where the akuma was, right beneath the Eiffel Tower.

With practiced moves, she moved through the city, just like she did so many times before in Republic city.

By the time she entered the scenery, Chat Noir was already there.

Irritated by the sight of him, she landed gracefully on a nearby rooftop.

As always, she first studied the situation.

Her blue eyes fell on the akuma. It was a female, but she knew better than to assume. It wore a bright pink skin tight suit. Its hair was pink as well, a tad brighter perhaps.

From Ladybug's point of view it seemed about 5'5, maybe 5'6. It was preoccupied with Chat Noir, trying to hit him with one of her glowing balls that were coming out of a staff, which she held in her right arm.

The staff was the same color as the suit, except it had some black strips at the bottom.

After acknowledging the scene, she moved closer while watching closly to the victim's body; to what it reacted, what made her retreat, attack... That's how you find one's weakness.

When she finally decided she had enough on the akuma, she jumped from the rooftop and in front of the victim.

It noticed her immediately, pointed the staff at her and fired.

Ladybug protected herself, by putting up a wall. When the wall broke into pieces, as the ball made contact with it, Ladybug jumped to avoid another one.

"Go protect the citizens!" Chat Noir yelled from behind Ladybug, as he tried to dodge the attacks, as well.

"You go do that, you're the hero here! She answered and started paying her mind to the victim in front of her.

It took him a few moments, but he figured she wouldn't do it, so Chat went to protect the citizens from the blasts.

Ladybug soon noticed something rather strange, the victim seemed to be moving like it was forced, like it was just a puppet on strings, being moved by someone else.

She also noticed a brooch on the akuma's chest. It was the only visible object on it, so she assumed that was where the akuma was.

Ladybug moved towards the victim. She used her earth and fire bending to fight back, not minding if she hurt anyone in the process.

Giving the final blow to the victim's head, it finally fell and Ladybug took the brooch and broke it. Out flew a dark butterfly.

She'd never done this before, but Tikki had told her how to do it, so she took the yoyo that was her weapon - she never really used it, it not being lethal enough - and using it to de - evilize the butterfly. When she was finished the butterfly was back to its beautiful shade of white.

She watched it fly away, meanwhile Chat Noir made his way over to her, after he was done with talking to the victim, who was back to their human form.

She could feel he was angry. It made her smile.

"What was that?!" He muttered, obviously trying to keep his cool, in front of the paparazzi who were basically running towards them.

"What?" She asked innocently, "we just defeated our first akuma, bravo... partner."

Chat didn't answer as the paparazzi were already surrounding them, showering them with questions, half were muted as they were all talking over each other - very loudly might I add.

The situation in which she had found herself in, made Ladybug anxious, so she left as fast as she could.

At least she tried, but the cat followed her.

Sadly, it wasn't done talking.

"You can just do that. That was a human being, you can just treat them as one of your enemies."

"Believe me, if I treated it as my enemy it wouldn't stand there right now. You're welcome, by the way." She added, looking at her nails as if she could see them through the suit.

"Y-you-re welcome?!" He basically yelled, making her look up, "you almost killed her, you can just go hitting civilians, like that. You have to have a peaceful approach, not just attack them, to speed up the process!"

Ladybug rolled her eyes and turned around, clearly wanting to leave, when Chat grabbed her by the wrist.

She instantly went into to attack him, but managed to stop herself, before doing anything.

"You put on that suit and came here to save people, you're supposed to do that, not make them unconscious. If you don't think you're up for the job, I recommend you return the miraculous and stop waisting everybody's time." With that he let go of her wrist and left.

She thought it was impossible, but after that she hated him even more.

She turned once more, really wanting to just go home.

She stepped on the edge of the building.

That's when she got dizzy, so she quickly closed her eyes. For fuck's sake, it started happening again. Did she take the potion today? Probably.

When she opened them again she thought her sight got red, but even if it did, it was gone now.

Megara was getting stronger by the day. Soon Marinette won't be able to contain her anymore...