15 | Go-karts and Bows

15 | Go-karts and Bows

Paige's Point of View ~

~ Tuesday ~

"Miss Paige?" Caden called for me in the other room.

"Whats up Caden?" I walked into the room, and noticed he was the only one inside. "Where is everyone?"

He looked upset so I to sat next to him on the bed. He had tiny eye bags and there were little dried tear droplets on his soft cheeks. He was crying.

"They are out go-karting with the other counselor," He sniffled "and they left me!"

He started to tear up. I held out my arms and he jumped in them, embracing the tight hug. Why would she leave someone behind? And how did I not even notice her stealing all 9 kids?

"Do you want me to take you go-karting?" I asked and his grip loosened. He jumped up and started putting his little sneakers on.

"Yes, yes, yes!" He beamed and jumped up from his shoe-tying position. He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the cabin and towards the go-karting area.


I sat on the haystacks made for the people not participating and watched as Caden got into a tiny go-kart. He smiled and turned to me. When he waved he sent him an enthusiastic thumbs up and he was off.

I sat and stared at the little go-karts chasing each other, picking up dust and dirt. They all laughed and smiled happily. I understand. They've been in a prison known as school for half a year. When you are in school it's like you are trapped in this soul draining bricked up building that you have no chance of getting out of. Yeah, I do okay in school, but It doesn't mean I praise school like it's my home away from home. Everyone feels like they are drowning in assignments.


"Make sure to watch out for your campers, so nobody gets hurt." The instructor said holding a bow in his hands. After go-karting, we had archery on the schedule. Most of the kids participated, but some sat on the sidelines, including me.

"Look at her hair."

"It looks like she hasn't brushed it in weeks."

"Yeah, she needs some hair spray or something."

"You should go buy a personality," I said plainly to the girls from behind me without moving my head to speak to them properly. They shuffled around awkwardly and stepped in front of me. They glared at me and sarcastically laughed.

"Whatever," She started and looked at me as if I were a small bug that meant nothing to the world.

"Paige!" Maddie's voice called for me. My gaze landed on her. She held a tiny bow in her hand and an arrow in the other. I got up and walked towards her.

"Can you help me?" She lifted her bow in the air and I nodded.

I had some practice when I was younger with archery. I was alone most of the time and found myself either reading or holding a bow in my hands. Even though I didn't have a proper teacher or lessons, I taught myself. YouTube can be really handy in certain situations

I kneeled down to her height and moved her body into the proper standing position. Taking her arms in mine I moved her hand onto the grip then positioned it between her thumb and her finger. I moved her arms so that she held the bow in her left hand and held her hand in mine and pulled the string.

"Ready?" I said softly, "Set...Let go!" She giggled and let go of the bowstring. The arrow looked like it flew in slow motion making a small whoosh as it made its way to the red target. It made it into the middle of the target. Everyone gaped at Maddie.

"Do it again!" She beamed and pointed to the quiver filled with long arrows.

I picked it up and swung it onto my shoulders. I smiled and took one out and set it on the bow. When I had pulled the bowstring back I forgot about the everyone and thing around me. I focused on nature; the birds singing, the wind, the leaves being moved by the cold wind, and let go.

My shot was as clean as McDreamy's hands after scrubbing in. (look it up if you don't get it)

"Dumb luck" Said a familiar voice from the sidelines. I moved my hip to turn around and aimed my bow straight for his face. The smirk on his face slowly disappeared. Maybe if I made this shot the everyone wouldn't be swooning over his pretty face all day every day.

I snorted and pulled the bowstring back, pointing the sharp arrow at Leo's face. He didn't move. I paused for a couple seconds. Why would they give children a weapon like this? He shouldn't test me.

"You wouldn't"

"Oh, I would."

I would if there wasn't a chance of me getting arrested and thrown in jail for murder. And he wasn't worth that.

I threw the bow and quiver to the ground and noticed everyone staring at me.

"How'd she do that?"

"She aimed perfectly."

"Maybe she cheated somehow."

"I still think that shirt is ugly." Said a mean voice. "She should try using makeup."

Everybody laughed at her joke. My gaze landed on Leo but he wasn't laughing. He looked angry. Before I could say anything he spoke up.

"I am completely certain that 90% of your beauty could be removed with Kleenex." Said Leo and they all all froze. That might have not been the nicest thing to say, but he doesn't care what they thought.

I picked up my things and stalked off with the rest of the campers that formed a long kanga behind me.


"Miss Paige what are we doing today?" Asked Ben from across the room.

"Today our assigned game is called" I paused and smiled knowingly, "Alpha wolf."
