Hubby Is A Jerk!

After getting dressed, Shui Xian and Raelle had breakfast together. Since he hadn't been able to see his wife for days, Shui Xian definitely cherished every single moment spent with Raelle. 

And when his assistant, Ma Jin came to remind him that he had to get to work, Shui Xian was frustrated. His cold aura was so strong that Ma Jin felt like he was about freeze under this pressure. He had thought his Master Xian had been turning into an easy-going person but clearly, he thought too much. How could flowers bloom on this hundred-year iceberg? That was clearly his wishful thinking!

However, he was actually wrong. Not only flower bloomed on this hundred-year iceberg, but this iceberg was also actually lost in the joy of the whole spring. And the reason why he seemed so cold right now was exactly that this assistant of his was trying to separate him from the person who was the reason for the spring in his life right now. How could he not be angry about that?!