
When Shui Xian came back from work, he was still as excited as ever. Just the thought of seeing his wife was enough to put him in a good mood. Even the people who worked with him today could tell that he was happy. He was so happy that he even didn't nitpick with a lot of things today. 

He was still humming a happy tune as he opened the door and shouted, "Wifey, I'm back!"

His upturned lips suddenly went downhill when he saw the desolate room. The room looked as empty and cold as it did the previous days. The one that brought the light into his world and even brightened up this cold room was nowhere to be seen.

"Raelle?" he called out but received no reply. 

Had he been dreaming last night that she came to look for him? Was it a game his brain played with him? And Raelle was never here, to begin with? He was just looking for something to keep himself happy?