Part Of My Life

It didn't take long for them to arrive at the destination that Shui Xian had in mind. Feeling like a restless teenager, Shui Xian actually extended his hand to cover Raelle's eyes acting like a kid.

"What are you doing?" asked Raelle.

"I just want you to keep your eyes closed for now," said Shui Xian.

"If I close my eyes, how am I supposed to see?"

"I'll put my hand down when the time is right," he answered.

"But I have to walk, no?"

"I'll lead you," he said. "You just keep your eyes closed for now."

Although Raelle didn't want to play this game of blindfold, she still went along with his wishes. It was just closing her eyes for a while. Was it hard? No! Was she scared of the darkness? Definitely not! Was it something she'd do! Abso-bloody-lutely not!