Fool & Foolish

Although Cloe had a bad day, Cui Xukun had actually ended up adding a bit of sweetness into her day. And that actually made Cloe add some plus points for Cui Xukun. She had to say, this blind date of hers was not only attentive but also very thoughtful. She already had a good impression of him and now, it was getting better. Even though Cui Xukun didn't do much. But this small gesture meant a lot to Cloe.

Anyway, because of his chocolates, Cloe even spent an extra hour at work without any complaint. Well, she had no right to complain at all since a huge blunder had happened under her nose and she didn't learn about it until it was too late. It was only right for her to bear the burn from Raelle's side.

However, what surprised her today was that Raelle was actually working overtime. This would have been considered normal if it was two months ago but it was different now. Since the time Raelle got married, she had left work right on the dot.