
Walking ahead, Hyson extended his hand towards Raelle who stared at his hand for a moment longer before taking it. 

"Put on your glasses," she advised him.

Hyson pulled out a pair of round glasses that looked like a replica of Harry Potter's glasses. It made him look like a good student. Cute, innocent, and pleasing to the eyes. In fact, he looked like every girl's first crush in College. That one senior whom they just couldn't forget. 

As they followed the crowd of people entering the amusement park, Hyson kept putting himself in between people and Raelle. He didn't let anyone even bump into her. 

"What is he doing, dancing around Saozi?" asked Zhai Yanjun to Shui Xian. 

Shui Xian's eyes curved as he answered, "He is protecting her."

"Huh?" Zhai Yanjun was lost for a moment.