
Although Shui Xian had already figured that something was bothering Hyson, he didn't ask Raelle regarding this though. He wasn't a nosy person, to begin with. So, even if he was curious, he could hold back when it was not his right to question.

He knew Hyson would actually tell him if he really asked but he didn't want to force him. But he was still concerned about Hyson.

"Wife," he called out to Raelle when they went back to their bedroom. 


"Fai is bothered by something?"

Raelle nodded her head.

"Will he be okay?"

"He'll be fine," answered Raelle. "You don't have to overthink about that. He is stronger than he seems."

"No, I know he is a strong person," said Shui Xian. "It's just that I have never seen him looking so down. He loves to have fun and bring happiness around him. Seeing him a little sad really bothered me."