
"I gave my word to Opa and Yanyan," said Shui Xian. "That I'll take good care of you. Yanyan said you don't know how to take care of yourself and she was right. You really don't know." He held her gaze and added, "This might be unnecessary to you but I don't see it that way. Yes, this is a small wound but if it's left unattended, who knows what will happen? It's not like just because it hurts today, you aren't gonna wear stilettos tomorrow. So, I have to do what I can."

"Do I look like a fragile doll to you?" she inquired.

Shui Xian stopped what he was doing. He extended his fingers to graze her cheek. The touch of his cold fingers made her rub her face against his hand and he chuckled at her reaction, "You are by no means a fragile doll. But you're someone very dear to me. And when someone is precious to us, we cherish it."