Being Bitter


Just as Shui Xian was about to indulge in a kiss with his wife, he heard someone faking a cough and cursed mentally. He let Raelle go and turned his head towards the voice. Seeing the person who faked that cough, he sat up, "Learn some manners."

Zhai Yanjun pointed at himself, "I should learn manners? Maybe you should get a room instead!"

"Why should I?" retorted Shui Xian. "I can kiss my legally wedded wife anywhere and anytime I want to. It should be you who should learn to take a detour."

"Xian, when did you become so unreasonable?" asked Zhai Yanjun.

"I have to tell you that as well now?" Shui Xian returned with his own question.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

Both Shui Xian and Zhai Yanjun stopped and turned to look at Hyson at the same time. Hyson's eyes were stuck on Zhai Yanjun while he was frowning.

"Hyson," came Raelle's voice. "That's no way to talk to a guest."