Smartest Bean


Shui Xian was surprised to see that Hyson was calling on Raelle's phone once again. Didn't they chat in the morning? Did something happen? He hurriedly gave the phone to Raelle, "Here, Fai is looking for you again."

Raelle took the phone and put it on speaker before she asked, "What is it now?"

Hyson also put his phone on speaker and indicated to both Xiang Weimin and Xiang Wai to stay silent. Then he spoke up, "Ellie, let's suppose that you have to go on a blind date."

"I have had enough of that," came Raelle's response. "I'm already married now."

"I said, let's suppose," repeated Hyson. 

"Even if it's just supposed, I still don't want to," said Raelle. "That's like cheating on my spouse and I'm a very loyal person."