Try The Fish

"...okay, so add one sweet duck in the order and saurekraut fish. Mmm... And Baijiu!"

Mu Chenyan stared at the woman who was ordering the food and felt a headache coming on. "Jie, it's too early for Baijiu."

"Who said that?" retorted Su Feifei. "It's never too early for some Baijiu!"

"Do you wish to get drunk right now?" asked Mu Chenyan.

"Relax. I'm Su Feifei. I don't get drunk so easily," replied Su Feifei as she even patted her chest to assure Mu Chenyan. 

Mu Chenyan only sighed to herself but didn't say anything about her ordering alcohol at this time. She had a lot of reasons but she knew none could convince Su Feifei who had always loved drinking. The only good thing was that she always knew her limit so until this day, Mu Chenyan had never seen her drunk.