Love Like Wine

"Uncle, are you in love?" 

Xin Zimen and Xia Zhao looked at Xiu who they thought was out of energy and was gonna stay quiet. But they really forgot that this lazy person was actually filled with endless energy. Her battery would never run out once she was drunk. 

"I'm not," said Xia Zhao.

Xiu narrowed her eyes at him and went to stand before him. Her dazed eyes were sparkling at the moment as she stared at Xia Zhao trying to see if he was lying or not.

"Uncle, I've known you for quite some years now," said Xiu. "I can tell your feelings." She didn't wait for his response and instead went on, "How about we do a little test?"

"Test?" he repeated.

"Yes, I'll say four words and you'll tell me what first comes to your mind hearing those words."

"That's such an old trick."

"Of course, I'll add my twist to it."