Don't lose

"Why are you working alone?" asked Raelle and looked at Xiang Wai and Xiang Weimin. "Are these two freeloaders? Family should help when it's necessary. Won't you be tired out working all on your own?"

Xiang Wai and Xiang Weimin almost didn't react. They both couldn't believe that Raelle was actually talking about them. What did it mean? It meant they were accepted as family. At least, they're slowly crawling into this family. 

Xiang Wai stood up and patted her chest saying, "Sister, you don't worry. Have faith in me. I'll take care of everything."

"Sit down, I don't trust your choices," said Raelle.

Xiang Wai deflated like a balloon while everyone else laughed at Raelle's words. Even Xiang Weimin couldn't help laughing. He tried not to but he couldn't help it. He knew he shouldn't laugh at his own sister but it wasn't possible right now. Who asked Raelle to hit the mark? Even he didn't trust Xiang Wai's choices.