So Fragile

As the soft morning light filtered through the expansive windows of his penthouse, casting a gentle glow across the sleek marble countertops, Xia Zhao was already immersed in the bustling world of his kitchen. Clad in a crisp apron, he moved with purpose and grace, his dedication evident in each meticulous action.

The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, mingling with the tantalizing scents of spices and herbs that danced from simmering pots on the stovetop. Xia Zhao's nimble fingers skillfully prepared a medley of ingredients, chopping vibrant vegetables with precision.

A symphony of sizzling pans and clinking utensils provided the soundtrack to his culinary choreography. He gracefully navigated the spacious kitchen, effortlessly transitioning between different stations, ensuring every dish received the attention it deserved. The love he poured into each creation was palpable, infusing the room with an undeniable warmth.