Her Own Situation

"Little Uncle, if you wanna talk bad about me, at least, do it at a place where I can't hear or see," came Ru's voice. "Don't discredit me like this right in front of my eyes. It's not that easy to tick off this young master. If it was so easy, would you still be here?"

"I'm here because of my own ability," retorted Xia Zhao.

"It's good to daydream but don't get lost in it too much that you lose the sense of reality."

"Did you just insult me?" asked Xia Zhao.

"Did I? I don't think so. I'm just stating facts here. Facts!" Ru decided to let him be and turned to Raelle instead since he was here for this girl anyway. Why else would he exert so much effort to investigate everything clearly? Okay, it didn't take much of his effort but still... he made the effort, no? "You ask. What else?"

Raelle nodded and got back to the point, "Why did she leave my brother?"

"Because she wasn't the right person to stand beside him."