The Game Of Luck

Both Cloe and Xiang Wai hurriedly caught up to Raelle. 

"Raelle, there is no need to be mad about it," said Xiang Wai.

"I'm not mad," answered Raelle. "I just find it particularly pointless to stay there and watch you two argue about a pair of rings. You both either get the same design or you both go and 'get another unique design. That way, no one will be a clear winner. Isn't it fair?"

"It's fair," commented Cloe. "But I'm unwilling."

"Me too."

"Then get the hell out of my face!" 

Cloe and Xiang Wai shared a look and both scratched the bridge of their nose. Although Raelle's words were very fair and the best way to end the argument too, they really were unwilling. How could it be so easy to give up?

"Let's pick a winner," suggested Xiang Wai.

"How?" asked Cloe.

Xiang Wai contemplated for a while before saying, "Rock, paper, scissors?"

Cloe's lips twitched when she heard that. "Really?"