[Bonus chapter] This Is Huge

After Shui Xian was done explaining everything, Xiang Wai was left gaping in disbelief. "Wow! I didn't think my cool aunt had this jealous side to her too."

"It isn't that unbelievable," was Xiang Weimin's response. "Maybe it's unbelievable to you only because you haven't realized what kind of a status Uncle Zhao has in Aunt's life."

"How am I supposed to know when she tells me nothing?" retorted Xiang Wai. She sniffed and looked at Raelle asking, "Did you have dinner? Would you like to eat with us?"

"I already ate," replied Raelle. "It's way past my dinner time."

Xiang Wai also looked at the time and even she had to say that it was quite late for dinner. She chuckled at that, "That's right. It's quite late. What did you have?"

"Black bean noodles."

"Korean food?" asked Xiang Wai.


"Where did you buy it?"

"My husband made it," replied Raelle.