Smell Of Love

"Where are we going?" asked Xiang Wai nth time.

"If you don't shut up, Major, I'm not sharing my food with you," said Hyson.

"It's okay. I know how to steal," she replied.


"Learning it from you!"

Hyson rolled his eyes at her and observed everything around him. Suddenly, with his keen eyes, he saw a basket tied up to the branch of a tall tree. "Found it!"


Hyson pointed towards the basket and said, "Our dinner!"

Xiang Wai looked at this and her lips twitched. No wonder it was a treasure hunt trip. "Who came up with this idea?"

"Who do you think?" asked Hyson in response rather than answering her question.

"It must be my dearest aunt who is up to no good ever!"

"I'll convey your words to my godmother faithfully!"

Xiang Wai gave him a glare, "Tattletale!"

Hyson stuck his tongue at her and said, "Now, climb."
