Chapter 6

They walked down the alleyway and took the next right continuing down the busy street with Monty struggling to hold all the items and Luca leaving a trail of blood. After a few minutes they reached the backside of the home that Avecii had jumped out of. It was beige with an orange, tiled roof. It had four gargoyles sitting on each corner of the roof and gold highlighting the windows. Luca walked up the few stairs that led to the giant metal door and opened in taking Avecii inside.

Once inside, they were in a hallway, to their right was the kitchen and the left a small open space filled with an expensive looking sofa and a giant TV on which football was playing. Down the hall was the front door and on it's left was a spiral staircase going up and down while on the left was a dining area with more expensive furniture. Luca continued walking down the hallway, passing a mirror and some plastic plants until he reached the front door where he took a left and went down the spiral staircase. The basement did not look like your standard basement. On the roof were lights that imitate natural lighting, brightening up the room. In the middle was a giant metal table with maps, books, letters and notes on it. The walls were covered with expensive paintings and on the wall furthest from the staircase was a giant vault that was sealed tight. Around the table were three, very large gentlemen arguing, each of them bigger than Luca.

"THAT'S where they're keeping them!!" Said the man furthest to the right as he slammed his hand on the table.

He stood at seven feet and was wearing black pants and a blue shirt with his sleeves rolled up and the first few buttons open. On his hip sat a long blade that barely touched the ground. He had a muscular build and a very strong neck. He had short, spiky white hair that shot straight up. He wore an eyepatch on his left eye with his right eye shining a deep blue. There was a little bit of scruff on his chin but not too much, making him look to be in his early thirties.

"The intel says that they are HERE!!" shouted the one of the farthest right as he pointed to a different part of the table.

He stood an inch taller than the man on the furthest right and had a cigarette in his mouth. He was wearing a black suit with a plain white shirt on underneath. Along his hip were two pistols with there being strange shapes sticking out of his blazer. He had long brown hair that was ruffled and swept to one side and black eyes. His frame was smaller than the man to the left, and skinnier.

"Well then, why don't we go hit both of them!! GABABABABA!!!" Laughed the man in the middle very loudly.

He was the shortest out of the three men, standing a good six inches below the man on the right. He wore white coat with a red flowered shirt underneath and white pants. In his right hand he held a cane onto which he was keeping all of his weight. He had three large wrinkles on his forehead and sunken black eyes. His hair was white with a majority of it missing. Around the corners of his mouth were more wrinkles and a scruffy white goatee.

Avcecii stared at the man who laughed with his head thrown backwards. There was something strange about him. More wrinkles formed around his eyes as he laughed, giving Avecii a strange sense of peace. The two other men around the table stared at each other in anger and spite before letting a deep breath out and smiling as the old man continued to laugh.

"Carlos!" The old man grabbed the shoulder of the man on the left.

"Nello!" He then grabbed the shoulder of the man on the right.

"I love you, my sons!" He said with a huge grin on his face, "Don't worry, we'll go and wreak some havoc!! GABABABABA!!!!"

Carlos and Nello looked at the ground sheepishly as they hid they're smiles. Avecii stared in awe, not being able to move or speak. He stared at what he had just seen, part of him longing for the same affection.

"Pops, we got him." Luca said calmly.

"Oh I see!" The old man turned around with a smile.

"So you finally caught the slumdog!" Nello said with a smirk.

"Who're you calling a slumdog!!!" Avecii yelled back.

"Hmh, Luca get your arm patched up." The old man said.

Luca went over to the side over the room and grabbed a few items from a drawer and started stitching his wounds.

"Now then, Boy, tell me your name!" The old man said.

"Never, you damn geezer!" Avecii said, turning his attention away from Nello.

"Ay! Watch that tongue of yours!" Carlos said calmly.

Avecii glared at him before realizing something cold was pressed against his neck. When he looked down Carlos' blade had been unsheathed and was now gently pressed against his neck.

"I'll go first then, my name is Rico Fiore, I'm the boss of the Scudi Family, though we're more popularly known as La Famiglia Di Scudi." He said as he crouched down to meet Avecii's eyes.

"Avecii...��� Avecii said softly.

"What's your last name?" Rico asked.

"I don't have one." Avecii replied.

"What about your parents, I doubt they would want you to steal." Rico continued.

"I don't have any." Avecii said.

Suddenly everyone in the room froze, the only noise coming from Luca who continued to stitch the teeth marks. Carlos pulled back his blade and sheathed it before turning to Nello with a look of disappointment,

"Then why don't I become your Pops! GABABABA!!" Rico finally broke the silence.

"I don't need one!" Avecii said angrily.

He was suddenly overwhelmed with anger and resentment. He pushed the old man in front of him away and sprinted towards the stairs. He saw Monty reach for him but stop almost immediately. Avecii continued to run up the stairs and out the door until he disappeared into the crowd.

"Should we have let him go like that Pops?" Luca asked.

"*Sigh* Maybe, maybe not…" Rico said as he rubbed his neck after a deep sigh, "Keep an eye on him… that boy... must be in a lot of pain..."

Rico went over and leaned against the table staring at the next warehouse they were going to raid. Nello moved over to where Monty had dropped the stolen items and after rummaging through it let out a deep sigh.

"He's good, he stole the family insignia..." Nello said.

"It's what he's been doing his entire life… must be good at it if he lived this long..." Carlos said as he sat down and rested his back against the table.

"Pint-sized ruined the mood here.... But it's not like any one of us can't relate to him...." Monty said while lighting another cigar.

"So what are we going to do Pops?" Nello asked.

"We're going to rob this warehouse, and once we do that we'll find that dumb son of mine and move out of the city!" Rico said with a smile as he turned to the rest of the guys.

"You're taking him in?!?!" Nello shouted in surprise.

"That's good, I'll have a little brother who'll do what I say!" Carlos smiled.

"HE'S NOT A SLAVE!!!" Nello shouted.

"Another test subject, whoooooo!" Luca sounded dead.

"WE NEED HIM ALIVE!!!!" Nello shouted back.

"I won't be the shortest anymore!" Monty smiled.

"No, No, that won't last for long!" They all said in unison.

"Now then boys, let's get ready to rob a warehouse!! GABABABAB!!!" Rico laughed, throwing his fist in the air.