Chapter 8

"BOSS!! BOSS!!!!" A man shouted as he tripped down the stairs.

"Oh, the loud one, what's wrong?" Rico turned around from the table.

"They've got the kid!" He said in a panic while quickly getting up.

"SLUMDOG?!?!" Nello shouted.

"Who's they?" Carlos asked.

"...Nocturne... I caught word of Azrail dragging the body of a kid to his warehouse because he had the Scudi Insignia." The man continued.

"What are the chances it's pint-sized?" Monty asked.

"High… only he would be dumb enough to barge into a mafia meeting like that..." Luca said in a dead tone.

"If it is him, they're base is on the opposite side of the warehouse we were going to hit tonight…what's the move Pops?" Carlos asked.

"AHHH!! That dumbass pisses me off!!!" Rico threw a tantrum.

"Screw him!" Rico pouted.

"DON'T CALL HIM A SON THEN SCREW HIM!!!!" The four shouted angrily.

"*Sigh* Fine… you four go hit the loot, I'll get him back." Rico said finally.

A few hours later they were ready to head out. Rico tugged on the sleeves of his white coat as he looked over his shoulder.

"Remember boys, family comes first, the money second. Understood?" Rico said with a grin and a twinkle in his eyes.

The four of them smiled as they walked out the back entrance one by one. Once they were all gone Rico turned around and walked out the front entrance. There was a dangerous look in his eyes as he walked down the still crowded streets of Rome. He kept walking until the buildings started becoming more spread out and rounded a corner and entered a narrow street. On the other side was the warehouse of Nocturne where Avecii was being kept. The building was huge and made out of steel. There was a giant shutter in the middle of it with what looked to be metal box shaped objects inside. Rico took a deep breath and pulled on the hilt of his cane to show a shining, clean, thin blade before sheathing it again and walking towards it.

"Oi! Oi! Are we going somewhere?" said a man leaning against the side of the wall.

He was the same size as Rico but had long black hair that was leaked backwards and blue eyes. He held a big cigar in his mouth between his teeth that were slowly turning yellow. He had a thick, but well trimmed goatee. He was wearing a black suit with a blue flowered shirt underneath.

"Marco… it seems like Dante is working very hard for the Spada Family." Rico responded.

"You would be surprised to know the kind of stuff kids hear..." Marco said with a smile, "Going to kill Azrail cause he took your new son?"

"Of course." Rico said without hesitation.

"Good grief…Boss Leonid always used to tell you not to go on one man missions!" Marco said disappointedly as he pushed himself off the wall and stood by Rico's side.

"Did he…?" Rico looked puzzled trying to remember the words of his former mafia boss.

"For god's sake, this is why he always paired us together!" Marco said with a smile, "Now then… what's the plan?"

"Plan?" Rico looked even more confused.

"I hate you." Marco said as he took a step forward.

"What'd you say?!?" Rico shouted back as he took two steps forward.