Chapter 10

Marco turned around and stared at the cage with the child in it for a few seconds before slowly walking up to it. He slowly and carefully moved Avecii so that he now lay draped over his left shoulder and pulled back a right fist and slammed it against the front edge of the cage. The roof caved in, breaking off the other bars allowing for Marco to easily lift it off. He pulled the chain off the bar it was connected to and slung the other child over his right shoulder and ran outside of the warehouse, getting out of Rico's way.

Once he was gone Rico turned his full attention towards Azrail.

"There are a few things in life that you don't do..." Rico said as he rotated his hips to the side and turned the blade in his right hand, facing his torso and legs to the right but his head forwards.

"Threatening a man's family… is one of those things." He said as he disappeared from where he was standing.

Suddenly, the grunts of Nocturne started shrieking one after another as bodies rapidly hit the floor, painting the floor in a dark red liquid. Panic started to fill the room as the grunts tried to make a run for it.

"Stand your ground!!" Azrail shouted as crouched forwards in a lunge, pulling his scythe behind him.

"It's only one man!!!" He continued.

Suddenly Rico appeared in front of him, lunging forwards with his right leg while bringing the blade forwards and delivering a powerful upwards swipe. Azrail narrowly avoided it by leaping backwards but the power of the strike still sent him flying backwards into the wall. Once again Rico disappeared as Azrail's men continued to drop like flies until his two right hand men and himself were left.

"Why are you doing this?!? Because we hurt your son?!?! Because we kidnapped people?!?! You were raised in the mafia, you've done this as well!!!" Azrail spat.

"What reason does a father need to protect his children?" Rico said, suddenly appearing between the two remaining fighters who slumped to the ground and joined the others.

Azrail stared at Rico slowly walking towards him, he remembered all the times he would be getting attacked in the dark alley's. How they would throw him against the wall and rob him, or beat him up and leave him lying in the garbage pile while rats and flies would hover around his bloodied face and bruised body. He remembered how his brother would always save him, protect him and would always show up just at the right moments.

"Nico..." Azrail whispered as Rico crouched to one knee in front of Azrail.

"He's in a much better place then where you'll end up… Riposa in Pace..." Rico said as he gave one final swipe, leaving Azrail with his men.

Once he got up he went outside and saw that Marco had freed the others in the cages and slowly, they each came to them and thanked them, tears flooding their eyes. He navigated through the ocean of people and found Avecii who was regaining his consciousness and picked him up.

"Glad to see you're up Shrimpy!" Rico said with a smile.

Avecii stared at him in disbelief. Slowly, his lower lip started quivering and his body shaking. Tears started forming in his eyes as he buried his face in Rico's coat.

"Geezer!" He cried tears of relief, taking huge sobs.

"Now, now, no need to cry, after all, you'll be with us for a long time now!" He smiled as he took Avecii back to the house, giving a nod to Marco, who had another child in his arms.

Once back the other four were there as well, along with a few bags of gold and huge smiles.

"Now then boys… shall we make this dream come true!" Rico shouted, and the others responded with even louder cheers.