The last Chapter

Avecii winced as his eyes slowly started to open. The dark red curtains in his room were open, letting the bright sunlight in, bathing the room in a golden light. The room was a decent sized room, not too large nor too small. It contained a queen sized bed, a bookshelf packed with books ranging from the history of Rome to maps and information about popular destinations, a study desk which held a picture of Rico and Avecii from when Avecii was younger and a cupboard with a mirror next to it. Avecii tried getting up but winced once again immediately falling back down onto his pillow. When he looked down he realized he was covered in bandages from head to toe, giving him the look of a mummy that had been freshly wrapped. Slowly he got up, fighting through the pain and grunting the entire way. Another thing that caught Avecii off guard was the silence in the house. Usually there would be at least two people fighting over something irrelevant. Once up, Avecii crawled out of bed and grabbed a nearby long, dark coat that was hanging from the back of the bedroom door and threw it over his shoulder. When he passed the mirror he saw that under the coat he had on turquoise hospital clothes. He shrugged, not paying too much attention to it and went to the kitchen downstairs and grabbed two glasses and a bottle of champagne and headed out.

As he walked through the town he greeted the people, all of which were surprised to see him dressed the way he was. He explained how there had been an accident and that he had been caught up in it, deciding it was better if they had not known about the scuffle that had happened between the two families. Soon he arrived at his destination, the town's graveyard, and made his way to the tomb that stood in the far left corner in front of a large willow tree.

The name on the tombstone read Rico Fiore. Avecii went over and slumped down in front of it and placed the two glasses next to each other on the grass and popped open the bottle of champagne and poured it in the two glasses. He set the bottle aside and stared at the two glasses for a moment, in a daze.

"Those things aren't going to run away, you know!" said a loud, hearty voice behind him.

Avecii turned around to see Boss Marco's smiling face standing over him, holding a glass of his own.

"Mind if I join ya?" He asked.

"Not at all." Avecii smiled, moving over to let him sit down.

Avecii grabbed the bottle of champagne and poured Marco some, then grabbed his own glass.

"How are your injuries?" Marco asked.

"Better, it still hurts to move and do other activities but it's a lot better than last night." Avecii replied.

"You woke up last night? I thought you were sleeping for the past two days." Marco smiled.

"Huh? HUH?!?! Ouch!" Avecii yelled.

"GABABABABA! That's what I thought… yeah you've been sleeping soundly for the past two days, but it's good to see you're awake now." Marco laughed.

"I see… how are things with Amo?" Avecii asked.

"Hmph! That kid never learns, even after all this he's still going on about revenge and becoming the best… for now I've locked him up," Marco smiled, breathing hot air onto a fist while he rubbed it on his coat, "I go to give him some tough love every night, maybe one day it'll reach him."

Avecii turned his attention back to Rico's tombstone, staring at the champagne and his name.

"He would've been proud of the man you've become… and the family you've created." Marco said, still staring at the tombstone.

"Thank you..." Avecii said turning towards him, "I'm sorry… about Dante… if I had-"

"Don't say it… He died protecting the family he loved… I couldn't be more proud of him," Marco looked up, there was a sad look in his eyes, "Besides he would never have accepted your help."

Marco remembered back to all the times Rico had run off to solve the problems that had come up and how he would find him, argue with him and then help him. Avecii looked back towards the grave again, feeling a little sad.

"But… part of me wishes you had been there..." Marco put his hand on Avecii's back, "With you there, he may have still be alive today..."

Avecii closed his eyes as he heard Marco sniffle while quickly wiping his eyes, trying to hold back a few tears of his own.

"Now then… what brings you out here." Marco asked after getting the emotions out.

"I… Ever since Pops died, I never came to visit his grave… it hurt too much to..." Avecii's voice trailed off.

"Well of course it did… you two were as close to a father and son as two strangers could be..." Marco replied.

"But now… I feel like I can face him..." Avecii continued.

"I see… well then that's good… it's always important to move on… time always does." Marco continued to stare at the grave.

"What about you?" Avecii asked looking at Marco.

"We're both strangers in the same boat..." Marco replied.

"I see..." Avecii turned back to the grave.

"I hope with this… we both can finally move on...." Marco said, raising his glass.

"WAIT!!!" Primo shouted from behind them.

The four Scudi family members were all there, wrapped up in bandages holding their own glasses along with Mia who had her own.

"You were about to do the toast without us weren't you!" Primo shouted.

"Of course not, I was just checking to see how good the champagne color was." Marco smiled.

In a few moments everyone had a glass full of champagne as they all sat around in a circle at Pops' grave.

"To the Scudi family! SALUTI!" Avecii shouted.

"SALUTI!" They all responded in unison.

A strong gust of wind blew through the graveyard. Out of the corner of his eye he saw the willow tree moving, shaking back and forth as if it were nodding in agreement. Avecii smiled as he looked at it, Saluti, Dad He mouthed.