Cruel and Unusual

Lumielle wondered how inevitable it was for her to walk down a thorny path. With the death of the Empress, her mother, Lumielle and Aris had become nonexistent entities. Abused and ignored, they were children that had become neglected by adults. Lumielle wanted love; she wanted to be loved. She wanted to be cherished so badly that she had bled for it and now she knew how frivolous an idea that love was. What else did the world expect of her?

Her father had abandoned her for another. The man that she had poured her love into decided to give his heart to someone else. Those around her mocked her. The maids abused her. Did they expect a flower-hearted young maiden to erupt from the ashes? Kindness is not weakness being her motto? How stupid. Lumielle had grown caustic throughout the years, locking her emotions and morality further and further away until she could no longer feel them.

A Kingmaker was what she had become.

Many believed that one of the three Duchy's would succeed the throne. After all, the Emperor didn't care about his biological children. Perhaps, that would have been correct if it wasn't for Lumielle's meddling. Being the villain suited her, after all, they had given her nothing but pain.

"Eva," Lumielle called out as the young maid entered. Dark onyx hair had been clipped up to reveal her dark purple eyes; she was quite beautiful and she remembered that in her first timeline many young knights wished to court Evangeline but she had never reciprocated.

"Yes, Princess?"

Evangeline was completely and utterly loyal to her. The late Empress had raised the young girl as her own after Evangeline's mother, the Viscountess had died. As such, even though Lumielle committed treason and dyed the world crimson, she had stood by her side. Valiantly, she had even died for her, "Go into town early in the morning and buy a good breakfast, make sure it's enough for four people. Make sure to tip the chef who made it well. Also, buy a lot of dresses from common boutiques. Get them in all different sizes, after all. I'll be growing up soon."

"Of course, Princess."

A knock at the door alerted her that someone was wishing to entire. Sylvia was the one who spoke up, "Princess, it's Leo and Rowan, they would like to come in." It seemed that Sylvia had grown quite comfortable with the two knights as she had dropped the formalities in their names.

"Let them enter," Lumielle responded.

The door opened to reveal the knights. This time, they weren't covered in grime or dirt. In fact, they looked much better. "Princess," Leo said bowing his head as Rowan did the same.

There was a beat of silence, "My brother is afraid of adults." Her words were honest, blunt, and succinct. "As children, we were neglected by most of the maids and butlers in this manner. We were raised with hostility. The only people that I trust are my maids and Heinz." To say that they were neglected would have been saccharine for the truth was much darker. "I want the two of you to teach him how to wield a sword. Rowan, you will be accompanying him everywhere. Since you're going to be his personal guard, I hope that the two of you get quite close."

Rowan kneeled on the ground, "It is an honor to serve the Endora Empire and to guard the Crown Prince."

Leo eyed her; it made Lumielle laugh. This child was seriously sharp. She could use someone like him on her side. "I'm asking for a lot," she responded waving her hand to state that Rowan could stand up, "I'm asking for your loyalty. Your hearts. Your swords. Your oaths. But, I promise that I'll compensate you nicely. I'll make sure that you can prove your worth to all those that have wronged you." There was a smile on her face, her eyes glittering warmly in the light of the setting sun.

Leo was the one to speak up, "We are honored that the Princess selected us."

"Speak freely," Lumielle said, cutting off his words, "You have a lot you want to say don't you?"

There was hesitance as she looked at Evangeline, "Prepare some tea for the two knights. I believe they'll be staying for a bit."

Indeed, Rowan and Leo stayed until the sun was down and the moon illuminated the sky. It was an awkward conversation at the start as both brothers seemed wary of the lilac-haired female who casually sat while sipping her tea. Slowly, she coerced the two of them; building trust was not easy and she knew it. She didn't expect them to completely believe her generosity. All she needed was knights that would protect her when she needed it. Also, using them for politics would become invaluable. As the two excused themselves, she leaned against the plush pillows, "Do you think they trust me?"

Evangeline brushed her hair, "I don't know." It was an honest answer and she was glad that the female had given it to her. "Though, they aren't hostile towards you, Princess."

Huffing, she pressed her fingers against her temples looking at the mirror. Her young appearance still sometimes surprised her, "I suppose so."

Morning came and she was awoken by Sylvia before the sun rose, "Eva told me to come to wake you up!" There was a spritely smile on her face as Lumielle blinked the exhaustion away from her eyes. Her body felt as though it was lead but she gave a nod. Starting her morning routine with Sylvia was different but pleasant. Her careful hands braided her hair and after dousing herself in warm water and a bath, she was off to greet and wake her brother.

"Aris," Lumielle hummed sitting on her brother's bed. Her hand gently brushed some of his golden hair away from his eyes, "Wake up! I have some good news."

Groggily, he reached out for his sister, "What is it?"

"You're starting lessons with Sir Rowan and Sir Leo after we eat breakfast."

There was a smile on her face as she told her brother this information. Though, she was quite sure that he was not comprehending a single word she said, due to the rather blank look on his face. Helping him out of bed and laughing slightly at his disheveled appearance the two were off.

Hand-in-hand, she was greeted by the blue-haired twins. Their hair was a dusty blue and their uniforms were still shabby. How many things did Lumielle need to fix? With the coming of Cosette, she had to prepare for not only that horrible woman but also her power and status. How bothersome. To top it off, Lumielle only had two years to set the stage. Ignoring her rising anger, she entered the dining room. Evangeline was already there; placed in front of her was a proper breakfast. Eggs, sausage, white fluffy bread, fruit, and glistening pancakes.

Previously, the two siblings were forced to eat tasteless food. It looked horrible and tasted even worse. Wilted leaves and bland soup; the two children could not even complain as none of the chefs allowed any of Lumielle's people inside of the kitchen. Sometimes, Heinz would give them chocolates as Lumielle gave all of the sweet treats to her brother.

"There are four plates for a reason," Lumielle responded looking at the two knights, "It's for you two as well."

It was early in the morning and she knew it. She had gotten this ready before breakfast could be served; all of it was on purpose. Aris sat next to her, his wide golden eyes looking excited to eat and feast. It pricked at her heart that her brother had suffered so dearly. Gently, she took his hand and squeezed it, "Eat to your heart's content, Aris." Her words were delicate, soft, and emotional.

Rowan and Leo also took seats across the table from them. "Aris, why don't you greet them?" She asked gesturing to the two young gentlemen as Aris bit his lip. She needed him to grow close with other people. His codependency had completely isolated him when he was emperor. He wasn't able to trust others and he only sought out Lumielle.

This time, Rowan was the first to talk. "It's nice to meet you, Prince Aristele."

Lumielle was quite surprised as her brother responded, "It's nice to meet you as well, Sir Rowan."

"Rowan," the blue-haired twin said, "You can just call me Rowan."

A pause as Aris finally glanced up from his plate to meet his eyes, "Then, you can call me Aris."

"Understood, Prince Aris."

Perhaps, her talk with them last night had been somewhat successful. She had been honest with the negligence and abuse that she faced inside of the walls of the Ruby Palace. The chefs and the head maid, Viria, were cruel. Cold winter nights became brutal as the two were left to freeze. The food was lacking and their punishments were nothing but cruel and unusual. Locked in a closet, Lumielle remembered begging Viria to let her out and promising to be a good girl. Her brother bathed in ice-cold water and he had never told her until they were old enough to escape the confines of this hellish place.

Breakfast was nearly over as she patted her lips with a napkin. She would have to get an etiquette teacher for her brother. "Why don't you follow Sir Rowan? You'll be starting lessons today."

Her brother bit his lip still looking hesitant as Lumielle took his hand, "Don't worry. He's kind. He won't yell or hit you." Her words were loud enough for the two to hear; a secret threat that if they even dared to do such a thing that she would personally deal with them. Yet, the impact that her words had was not as terrifying but sympathetic.

The two brothers had endured their own share of pain and abuse. Twisted hands digging into their skin, a sharp kick to their ribs, cold food, and water. They understood it all. Rowan bit his lip, disgruntled by the fact that these two children, the Prince and Princess, were also the same as them. "Prince Aris, I promise that I will not do anything to harm you, ever. I swear my life on it."

Lumielle looked at the male somewhat surprised that he had spoken as Aris stood up, the chair sliding against the ground, "Then, Mielle, I'll go. You'll come out later right?" he asked, his voice still sounded somewhat scared but she nodded fervently.

"I'll be out in a bit, Sir Leo and I have to do something first."