
Did she know any shame?

No. Lumielle already knew that answer. If Cosette had been a woman of chagrin, she would have never conducted herself in such a manner. Cosette's expression was innocent; her eyes looking at Asterias warmly as Lumielle's brows furrowed. She had not expected such a situation to arise. Her grip tightened slightly and Asterias noticed.

How adorable, Asterias thought quietly, taking note of the Princess gripping him tighter at the Duke's daughter's inquiry.

Lumielle was confounded by Cosette. She had never acted like this in their previous life. In fact, she had danced with not only the Emperor but other men that had asked for her hand. It wasn't as though other young gentlemen didn't flock to her. She had seen the way that Cosette had been swarmed; yet, she hadn't touched anyone else's hand other than her father's. Asterias was the only person that she showed interest in other than Allard who didn't attend.

That was right. Lumielle loosened the grip that she had on the white-haired male. The two would dance together much to her annoyance. It wasn't courteous for Asterias to reject Cosette.and who would reject her? She was outlandishly beautiful and terrifying adorable. No one would be able to say no. After all, she had even gathered the courage to inquire. Her eyes sparkling warmly, lips curved up into a smile. It was almost as though Cosette knew that she had won. It was infuriating as Lumielle knew that due to societal restrictions, she could not just interfere and state that Cosette was acting beyond her boundaries. How bothersome. Fine, Lumielle thought, she would capitulate. It was no big deal. There was no reason to be upset about this.

"I apologize, Cosette," Asterias said. Lumielle's eyes widened slightly at the fact that Asterias took her hand, the one that she had given up, he held it tightly. "I don't think I'll be able to dance with you."

Lumielle and Cosette both looked surprised. So, he could also make that type of face as well? The smile on his face didn't ever fall, but she could see behind his oculars there was a hint of something more malicious. He was being serious in his intent.

"I-I apologize, I just," Cosette stumbled looking down, "We were friends and I wanted to dance with a friend on such an important day, even father wanted this to happen and since Allard isn't here as well. . ."

It had always been difficult for Lumielle to garner sympathy. Even if she suffered, Lumielle had never been the type of person to expiate such personal matters in public. She did not understand the mannerisms in which Cosette spoke—often, she found them disgusting as Cosette used her own personal plight for soft gazes and tender pats on the back. Lumielle did not like to discuss her pain; preferentially, she would like to lock it under an infallible safe that would never be opened. Yet, Cosette so easily maneuvered her words and situations. She had not an ounce of shame.

"Lady Cosette, I apologize for monopolizing Sir. Asterias. I will be alright, so why don't you dance with her? After all, it is in honor of Duke De Saude's memory. It would be a shame to not honor the dead," Lumielle said; Cosette had cornered her. If she didn't relinquish her hold on Asterias, there could be rumors spread about her being crude.

When would she stop dragging around her father's corpse as emotional pity points? How bothersome.

Asterias looked bothered, "I apologize to the Princess. Even when you're not feeling well, you are still so kind," he spoke. A smile was on his face as he left Lumielle's side to extend a hand to Cosette who smiled brightly.

"Are you sure?" Cosette asked while taking Asterias's hand. As if she had any right to ask that question. How useless and pointless it was.

Lumielle smiled, "Of course!" She chirped warmly. All of it was a lie. A constructed prism of her own falsehoods. "Go enjoy yourselves," she said. Everyone would speak about how amicable Lumielle was. She knew that if she had denied Cosette there would have been trouble. Leo took the drink that Asterias had given her out of her hands, replacing it with a new one.

"I can see why you said what you said, Princess."

Was Leo referring to the fact that she had called Cosette her enemy? Probably, "She's indeed," Lumielle paused, "A nuisance." Her eyes followed Asterias and Cosette, the two of them dancing together. A bright smile perched on Cosette's face as Asterias also responded in kind. They looked good together—beautiful starlit jewels glistening under the candlelight. She sipped the drink that Leo gave her as he discarded Asterias's beverage in haste.

"Is there a reason you let her take your date?" Leo asked.

"It's not as if I cared," Lumielle responded back.

Leo didn't respond as she handed back her glass to him. "Would you then like to dance, Princess?"

The night had been absolutely draining. There was no other way to describe it. She felt as though her body was going to crumble and her mind had been constantly churning for what felt like hours. Indeed, it was supposed to be her night. Lumielle had remembered how excited she had been in her previous life for this—she had waited hours upon hours to dance and have fun. Her heart had been completely obliterated and crushed.

"I can't believe Cosette denied you," huffed Lumielle. Lumielle had tried to pair the two together. Leo had never danced before so it would have been quite a sight to see Cosette and her knight trying to waltz. Yet, somehow her plans had been foiled. How annoying.

"Maybe I don't live up to her standards," Leo responded. That was not true. Leo was far more attractive than she remembered in her hazy memories. Soft baby blue hair that had been cropped short and warm copper eyes. He was taller than she was, a surprising fact as most men were around her height. He had a usual stoic face with sharp features that made him stand out from the crowd. He was attractive.

"Then she must be blind," tutted Lumielle as she took his hand. She could not tear her eyes away from Cosette and Asterias. They looked as beautiful as a painting. It bothered her. That was right, Cosette had never acted like this in her first timeline. Why was she deviating from the script? It annoyed her. The more unpredictable Cosette became, the harder it would be to enact her revenge.

Dancing with Leo was somewhat difficult. His movements were not as smooth as Asterias but he did his best. His movements though good were still somewhat awkward. Perhaps, he had asked her to dance because she had lost her partner. Indeed, Leo was far kinder than she had believed. She could not scorn him for his inability to dance. After all, Leo was not nobility. He had never been trained classically on how to dance.

"Follow me," Lumielle spoke calmly, she helped guide his feet. Teaching someone else how to dance was a new experience for her. Lumielle could no longer focus on the two Duchies but rather on Leo. Guiding his steps to match her own to the rhythm of the music.

"I'm sorry, Princess," Leo mumbled after a while.

"Why?" Lumielle queried, tilting her head. He was quick at picking things up. It was not a surprise for she knew how skilled he was.

"I dragged you out to dance and yet, here you are, teaching me." Leo looked embarrassed, a slight blush on his cheeks as Lumielle couldn't help but laugh. Was this a new side of her knight that she had managed to unlock? The song ended as the two walked off of the dance floor.

"You did it so I could dance with someone and not feel humiliated, I should be the one thanking you."

The night felt long. She had only danced twice but she was ready to go home, "Thank you so much!" A voice chirped, it was the one that was going to give her the largest migraine. Lumielle gave a smile back to Cosette. Asterias was escorting her as she curtsied towards the lilac-haired female.

"It was my pleasure. After all, my father and yours were very close. Anything in my power to honor his last wishes," Lumielle spoke, her expression was warm as were her words.

Ah, she was quite exhausted. "I hope you enjoyed the dance, Lady Cosette." It was still a bitter victory. Her father had decided to bring Cosette while ignoring her—hand in hand, Lumielle had to watch her father dance with the beautiful rosy-cheeked girl. She felt inferior and it made her skin taut. He was demeriting all the work that Lumielle had done. He was forsaking Aris.

The night lingered, dragging out like slow pikes on a wheel. It dug into her skin, forcefully keeping her awake as she tried not to let her own thoughts slip haphazardly from her lips. Keeping up jovial conversations and amicable smiles had begun to become a chore. She had been asked by no other man to dance, all of them deciding to send their love to Cosette while Asterias stood by her side. She was acquainting herself with many nobles. A few familiar faces standing out from the crowd; those that she remembered in her past life.

Asterias smiled at her once more, "Princess you look quite tired."

"Do I look that exhausted?" She said an exhale pressed past her lips.

Asterias chuckled, "You look as beautiful as ever if you're worried."

She was not.

"You should save your compliments for women who deserve it," Lumielle responded, "I suppose I should take my leave for the night."

"Then, let me escort you," Asterias spoke as he took a step forward to take her hand.

"Fine," Lumielle huffed as she decided to escape the confines of this horrid ball.