
"I was honored that you wanted to dance with me," Lumielle said with a warm smile curving upon her features.

Allard's hand ghosted upon the small of her back. He had always been hesitant to touch her, it seemed to have remained the same in this life as well. It was a shame that Lumielle had once craved his affection. Sowing seeds of desperation into her barren heart as the blossomed rotten fruit only brought the stench of death and hurt. She has been moronic to believe in him.

"I'm honored that you accepted," Allard spoke. That was right, the last time an invitation was given Lumielle had rejected it.

"I apologize for what happened with the debutante, I never meant to cause such trouble," she hummed, "Those rumors, I wonder who could have started them…" She shook her head slightly–playing the role of an angel was difficult. She would have to applaud Cosette for doing a stellar job. It was difficult for she knew that the fair-haired girl was more of a devil than herself.