Villain ( II )

"A villain's tongue," Allard whispered as he grabbed her chin, "Should be cut out. As it can no longer say such wicked lies."

Lumielle laughed, her lips curving up into a smile. She couldn't speak but all she could do was hear her laughter as it bounded off the walls. Her words were restricted. There were no thoughts in her mind as Allard grabbed her tongue. His hands clamping against it as he brought the blade down.

Blood. The metallic taste of the blood permeated throughout her mouth as she almost suffocated on the taste of her own blood. She felt as though she was drowning, her hands clawing to her neck as she moaned in pain.

"Your tongue is poison. It was the reason behind all things wicked," Allard snarled out as her fingers dug deeper into her throat. His gloved hands imprinting against her neck.